941 Preparation inquiry

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Payroll add-on

Use this inquiry to review information to report on , Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return. This inquiry includes information from only paid paychecks. It initially shows checks for the 2008 payroll year.

Using the inquiry

From the > Reports menu, click Standard Inquiries > Payroll > 941 Preparation.


Do this

See data for a previous year

Add a new condition as follows:

  1. Click .
  2. Click the Condition tab.
  3. In the Payroll Year condition, select the year you want to report on in the field on the right.


Accounting staff

Inquiry conditions

The inquiry automatically contains conditions to show data from paid checks only in the current payroll year. You can always add, change, or delete conditions on an inquiry.


This inquiry is grouped by Payroll Date and Employee. You can always group or ungroup columns, as needed.

Standard columns


Links to this inquiry


Date range available

Payroll Year


The year the payroll occurs


Check Number

Check Detail

The number on the check




The full name of the employee


FWH Taxable


The amount of wages earned that are subject to federal withholding


FWH Withheld


The amount withheld for federal tax


Social Security Subject To


The amount of wages subject to Social Security withholding


Medicare Subject To


The amount of wages subject to Medicare withholding


Social Security Withheld


The amount withheld for Social Security


Medicare Withheld


The amount withheld for Medicare


Earned Income Credit


The amount of Earned Income Credit tax


Total Tax Withheld


The total amount of tax withheld


Employer Tax Withheld


The amount of employer tax withheld


Employer Social Security


The amount of employer taxes withheld for employer Social Security tax


Employer Medicare


The amount of employer taxes withheld for employer Medicare taxes


Total Tax Liability


The total taxes payable


Predefined columns

You can add predefined columns to this inquiry. Many columns are available, organized in these categories:


Links to this inquiry


Date range available


Payroll Key


The database identifier of the payroll associated with the check




The status of the payroll




The detailed description of the payroll


Period Beginning Date


The first date of the payroll period


Period Ending Date


The last date of the payroll period


Pay Date


The date of the payroll


Payroll Quarter


The quarter the payroll occurs


Current Year


The current year


Payroll Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company associated with the payroll


Payroll Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company associated with the payroll


Pay Check Key


The database identifier of the paycheck associated with the check



Check Status


The status of the paycheck


Check Pay Period


The pay period for the paycheck


Supervisor Key


The database identifier of the supervisor of the employee associated with the check




The supervisor of the employee associated with the check


Department Key


unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Departments add-on

The database identifier of the department of the employee associated with the check




unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Departments add-on

The department of the employee associated with the check


Employee Key


The database identifier of the employee


First Name


The employee's first name


Middle Name


The employee's middle name


Last Name


The employee's last name

Covered by HIRE Act Employee

Applies only if your are running payroll for 2010.

Indicates if the employee is covered by the HIRE Act.


Employee Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company linked to the employee associated with the check


Employee Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company linked to the employee associated with the check


Bank Entry Key

Bank Entry

The database identifier of the bank entry associated with the check


Direct Deposit Bank Entry Key

Bank Entry

The database identifier of the direct deposit bank entry associated with the check


Session Key


The database identifier of the session associated with the check


Total Hours


The total number of hours worked by the employee


Regular Hours


The number of hours worked at the employee's regular pay rate


Overtime Hours


The number of hours worked at the employee's overtime pay rate


Other Type Hours


The number of hours worked by the employee for a pay with a type of Other (as defined when setting up the pay)


Gross Pay Amount


The amount of the employee's pay before any taxes or deductions


Employee Tax Amount


The total amount deducted for taxes from the employee's pay


Deduction Amount


The total amount of all deductions (including taxes, 401[k] contributions, and so on) from an employee's pay


Net Pay Amount


The amount of the employee's pay after all taxes and deductions


Employer Tax Amount


The amount the employer pays in taxes


Regular Amount


The amount of pay earned at the employee's regular pay rate


Overtime Amount


The amount of pay earned at the employee's overtime pay rate


Other Type Amount


The amount of pay earned by the employee for a pay with a type of Other (as defined when setting up the pay)


Fringe Amount


The amount an employer contributes to an employee's paycheck for fringe benefits


Total Tax Withheld


The total amount deducted from an employee's pay for taxes


Employer Social Security


The amount of Social Security paid by the employer


Employer Medicare


The amount of Medicare paid by the employer


Defined links:

Link - Check Detail

Check Detail

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Payroll add-on

A link to the Check Detail inquiry


Link - Bank Entry

Bank Entry

A link to the Bank Entry inquiry


Link - Transaction Labor

Transaction Labor

A link to the Transaction Labor inquiry


Link - Direct Deposit Bank

Direct Deposit Bank

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Payroll add-on

A link to the Direct Deposit Bank inquiry


Link - GL Entry

GL Entry

A link to the GL Entry inquiry


Link - Session


A link to the Session inquiry