Grid Toolbar and Grid Actions Bar

Use the grid toolbar to maximize or minimize the records list, filter records in a grid, refresh the screen, export records to a comma-separated values (.csv) file format, and select columns to display on the grid. The options available on the grid toolbar may vary depending on the application that you are using. Some grids also include a Grid Actions bar, with options that you use to perform actions specific to the active grid.

Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Click this icon to expand the grid to a full screen display. This expanded view reduces the need to scroll through long lists of records. Click this icon again to return to a standard grid display. For more information, see Maximize the Grid View.
Click this icon to display the column filter options. Use the filter options to restrict the grid contents. For more information, see Filter the Grid Results.
The Refresh option is available on the Favorites, Running, and Archived tabs of the Reporting form. Click this icon to refresh the screen and grid and to retrieve and display the current list of reports.

Typically, Vantagepoint displays the current list. However, if you start the archive process for a report and click the Archived Reports tab before that process is finished, the list does not show the newly archived report. When you click Refresh, Vantagepoint updates the list.

Click this icon to export the grid contents to a comma-separated values (.csv) file. Expand the WBS structure that you want to include prior to clicking the Export icon. For more information, see Exporting Data to a .csv File.
Click this icon to add, remove, or change the order of columns in the grid. The columns available for the grid include both standard fields and user-defined fields that are used in the corresponding Vantagepoint application area. For more information, see Select Columns for a Grid.

Grid Actions Bar

Some grids include a Grid Actions Bar that contains rounded buttons, which you can use to perform actions related to data in the current grid. For example, in Interactive Billing, you can use the Bill or Hold buttons to bill or hold the currently selected row in grids on the Labor, Expenses, and Units tabs. The buttons that display on each Grid Actions Bar vary, depending on the grid in which you are working.