Workflow Table Search Fields

This topic includes a description of some of the workflow table search fields that you can use on the Cost Progress Advanced Control Account Search dialog box.

With all of the search fields, if the Show field is set to My Pending Progress, you will only see progress workflow results that are assigned to you. If the Show field is set to All or All Pending Progress, PM Compass displays all progress workflows to which you have access that fit the search criteria.

Assigned User

When you select this search field, you can select any user in EPM SA to include in the Search List.

Assigned User Name

This search fields works the same as Assigned User except that PM Compass displays the user name instead of the user ID.

Current Workflow Step

When you select this search field, you can select 1 or 2 in the Search List.

Workflow Status

When you select this search field, you can select any of the following options in the Search List:

Some of the workflow statuses are only available when you are in the view just after the status changed. For example, after you approve a progress entry and leave the view, you can no longer access the progress entry.


The above search fields support the following operators:

What do you want to do?

Perform an advanced search

View location

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