Any user in the system with PM Compass access can be an assignee on a workflow step. An assignee can delegate their assignments to another user. When a workflow step starts, the system will check whether an assignee on the step is delegating their assignments. If they are, the system will create an assignment for the assignee and for the delegate.
You can only assign delegates to workflows whose steps have not yet started. If you select a delegate for an in-progress workflow, the selection will be ignored.
Any user in the system with PM Compass product access can be an assignee on a workflow step. An assignee can delegate their assignments to another user. To do this, the user must assign their delegate choice in User Preferences. This is also where they indicate if they are delegating their assignments.
When a workflow step starts, the system checks whether an assignee on the step is delegating their assignments. If they are, in addition to the assignments created for all the assignees, the system creates an assignment for the delegate.
Note that the "Who must complete" relationship between all of the assignees on the step can be All, meaning that all of them must complete the assignment, but the relationship between an assignee and their delegate is always Any. This means that if the delegate completes the assignment before the assignee does, the assignee’s assignment is also closed and vice versa.
If one user is assigned as the delegate for multiple assignees on a single step, or the delegate is also an assignee on the step, the system will not create multiple assignment rows for the same assignee/delegate. For example, if Jack, Bill, and George are assignees on a step and Jack and Bill both delegate their assignments to George, when the step starts, the system only creates three assignments – one for Jack, one for Bill, and one for George – as opposed to one for Jack, one for Bill, and three for George. In this case, if George completes the assignment, all three assignments are closed. If George rejects or cancels the assignment, all three assignments are rejected and closed.
To delegate assignments:
On the application toolbar, click Settings » User Preferences.
Select Delegate My Assignments To:.
When you select this option, it is also selected in the Deltek EPM Security Administrator.
in the Delegate My Assignments To:
field to select a user to whom you want to delegate your assignments.
Select the user using the User Search dialog box.
Click OK to apply the change you made.
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