Sync PM Compass with Primavera P6

When progress has been submitted and approved in PM Compass, you can see the changes in the Schedule Analysis view. PM Compass performs several steps to include the changes in the Primavera P6 schedule.

Check for progress

Related Topics

When the nightly schedule process runs, it checks to see if there is any new progress that must be added to the Primavera P6 schedule. If there is no new progress, this step is skipped. If there is progress, PM Compass exports the progress and updates the fields in the Primavera P6 schedule.

The process runs as a scheduled process or when you click Run Now on the Schedule Integration tab. The system uses the Primavera P6 Object ID field to find the activity to update in Primavera P6. Only the following status fields are updated in the Primavera P6 schedule:

  • Actual Start Date

  • Actual Finish Date

  • Remaining Duration — This is calculated based on the selected progress type. If you select a progress type of % Complete, the value entered is multiplied by the Planned Duration to determine remaining duration.  If the progress type is elapsed duration, the remaining duration is calculated using original duration – elapsed duration. If the result is 0 or less for an in-progress activity, the calculated percent complete is used.

  • When Remaining Duration is updated, Primavera P6 automatically calculates the Activity % Complete, Duration % Complete, and Performance % Complete fields.

    If the progress type is Percent Complete, the progress value returned is the Duration % Complete.

  • Physical % Complete

  • Expected Finish

  • Constraint type of Start On or After and the Date.

  • NoteP6 activity notebook categories can be mapped to a PM Compass note category and made available in the Enter Progress views. The note in Primavera is overwritten by the note from PM Compass. This is a mapped field defined at the system level.

  • Resource Assignments:

  • Units Percent Complete (labeled Physical % Complete)

  • Remaining Units (labeled Remaining Quantity)

  • The numerous Unit and Cost Percent Complete fields are automatically calculated by Primavera P6 when the Resource Assignment Physical % Complete or the Remaining Units is updated.

  • Steps:

  • Finish flag

  • Percent Complete

In addition to the status fields, if the fields in the Last Progress Submission Date Fields group on the Projects Form Progress tab in PM Compass are populated, that information is also updated in Primavera P6.

If the process fails, an email is sent to the person who scheduled the process to let them know that an error occurred. They can do one of the following:

  • Click Run Now to try the process again.

  • Wait for the scheduled process to run again.

If the process completes with nonfatal errors, an email is sent to the person who scheduled the process, letting them know about the error and providing a hyperlink to the process log. The progress entry that caused the error is skipped and all other progress entries are exported.

View the Data that was Exported to Primavera P6

If you have a copy of Open Plan and you want to review the data that was exported to Primavera P6, you can add a setting (_KEEP_P6_OUTPUT_FILES) to the Open Plan System Preferences dialog box so that Open Plan creates .csv integration files. For more information and steps, see View Data that was Exported to Primavera P6 in Related Topics.

How to...

View Data that was Exported to Primavera P6

Specify the Source System Note Category


Learn more about...

Primavera P6 to PM Compass Field Mapping

General Tab of the Schedule Analysis View

Enter Schedule Progress Form

Progress Tab of the System Settings Form

Progress Tab of the Projects Form

Reschedule work

After progress has been updated in the Primavera P6 schedule, the Primavera P6 Schedule process reschedules the uncompleted work to begin after Period End Date. This allows the subsequent import into PM Compass to display the new dates calculated by Primavera P6.

Load the Primavera P6 project into PM Compass

Related Topics

After the Primavera P6 schedule has been updated and the Schedule process has run, and there are no errors (if any part of the export fails, then the import won’t start), the updated Primavera P6 project is loaded into PM Compass.

The various progress types are used to calculate the remaining duration which is then exported to Primavera P6. When the progress is imported back into PM Compass, the progress type is retained. There are two exceptions:

  • As Planned activities are imported as percent complete so that you can see the progress that was calculated before the export to P6.

  • Any activity with an actual finish date in P6 will have a progress type of Complete.

If the process fails, an email is sent to the person who scheduled the process, letting them know about the error and providing a hyperlink to the process log.

No email is sent if the process was scheduled and no errors occur.

Log Files

After the Primavera P6 project has been loaded into PM Compass, log files are generated to indicate any errors or warnings that were encountered during the process.

Learn more about...

Log File Location

How PM Compass Calculates % Complete to Export to Primavera P6