Report Options Dialog Box

The available tabs and options of the Report Options dialog box vary depending on the type of report selected.

Report Options Tabs

General Buttons and Fields


Click the down arrow next to the folder to display the list of saved options.

Right-click the list to display the menu options.

These options are enabled if an option in the personal folder is selected.

Select the Use as Defaults option to reset the default options for the selected report.  


Click this button to display the Organize Options dialog box.

Use this dialog box to save the current options to be shared with other reports or to provide a friendly name for the options displayed on the selected report.


Click this button to restore the system defaults for the current tab selected.


Click this button to implement all changes made to the report options settings. The changes will be applied to all tabs.


Click this button to disregard any changes made and close the Report Options dialog box. This cancels the changes made to all the tabs.


Click this button to display the Help topic on Report Options.

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