The MSP Integration Queue

The MSP Integration queue is a dedicated queue that processes the MSP integration jobs. It is automatically added to the PM Compass Process Server’s list of Default Process Queues during a full or upgrade installation.

Why Use a Dedicated Queue?

Since Microsoft Project is a single-threaded application, the MSP integration needs to be single-threaded. This means that two integration processes cannot occur at the same time on the same server. If one process is running and it has an MSP file open, and another process tries to run on the same server, both the Process Server and MSP hang.

To prevent this from happening, an MSP Integration queue is added to the Web/Application Server. This queue has a maximum concurrent job setting of 1; only one process can run at a time. The queue does not have a dedicated server (you can specify one if you prefer) therefore the job runs on the next available server.

The servers that pick up the MSP Integration queue jobs must have Microsoft Project Professional installed. See the Integrating with Microsoft Project appendix in the Deltek PM Compass Installation Guide for prerequisite and configuration information.

How jobs are assigned to the MSP Integration Queue

You assign jobs to the MSP Integration Queue in one of two ways:

What Happens if the Queue is Not Listed in EPM SA?

If the MSP Integration queue is not listed on the Web/Application server, the process will default to the System queue. Because the System queue is typically not set with a maximum concurrent job of 1, there is the danger of two processes trying to run at the same time, causing the Process Server and MSP to hang.