Move Work Package Overview

Use a Move Work Package change request to move work packages to a new control account. Move Work Package uses a spreadsheet import file and the Move Work Package Cobra process.

Workflow Steps

When you click the Import button on the List View toolbar, and select a file to import, the workflow steps start and a notification is sent to those who need to approve the change. The standard PM Compass workflow steps are used to complete the Move Work Package workflow.

When you click Complete on the form Workflow Actions menu, the process server Schedule dialog box displays, allowing you to schedule the process. The benefit of scheduling the process is that you can continue with other tasks. That is, PM Compass isn't held up while the process is running. After scheduling a server side process, the Move Work Package is not updated until the process is complete. You can check the Process Queue Manager to see when the process completes.

The Import Spreadsheet

The import spreadsheet must contain a list of work packages and the new control account ID as well as any code assignments on the work package that need to change.

See Move Work Package Import Spreadsheet for import spreadsheet settings and code / linking fields information.

Budget Details Grid

When requesting a change, the approver needs to know the value of the change. The Budget/Forecast Details Grid includes a table of values that displays details associated with the change request.

There is no Change Details view for a Move Work Package change request; only this Budget Details grid. When the imported file has processed, the grid is updated to show the work package that was changed. It does not display the entire control account. For each work package, either the original budget will be zero, or the requested will be zero indicating how the budget changed because of the move.

The following example shows what the grid could look like after a work package move:

Control Account

Work Package

Budget HOURS

Budget Total

Requested HOURS

Requested Total

























Child Workflows

Control Account Change child workflows are generated for each control account that is affected.

After the Change is Complete

When the change is complete, the following processes occur:

  1. Cobra’s Move Work Package process moves the work package to a different control account and updates the project audit log to reflect the change.

  2. Any code assignments are updated.

  3. The activity in the Open Plan Schedule (if it exists) is updated to change the code assignments for the linking fields defined in Project Details.

  4. The Open Plan Budget Baseline is updated to change the code assignments and linking fields if the activity exists in the Budget Baseline.  

Process Queue

The status messages in the Process Queue Detail dialog box allow you to see the status of an import throughout the process.

What do you want to do?

Move Work Package import spreadsheet

Create a Move Work Package workflow

Move a work package to a new control account

Schedule a Move Work Package spreadsheet import

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