How to Run a Contract Change Report

Using the steps below, you can run a report that shows the parent change request followed by all of the children associated with the change.

This report is very useful when the Total Cost does not match Requested Cost because you can see the control account change children to determine which control accounts have the discrepancy.

To see the changes in the report:

  1. Select Reports ยป Workflow.

  2. On the Reports grid, in the Contract Change Request Selection column, click  to display the Workflow Search dialog box.

  3. Set the Display Type to Advanced.

  4. In the Search Criteria grid:

    1. In the first line of the Search Field column, click and select Change Number.

    2. In the Operator column, select Equals.

    3. In the Search List column, enter, or use the search feature, to select the change number.   

  5. Deselect the Show Hierarchy check box.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. In the Workflow Reporting view, click Preview.

    This report displays the parent and all children.  If the total was updated, the amount of the update is displayed on the report along with the Explanation.

Tip: When you are labeling user defined fields and mapping user fields, you should not use the same label. Label the activity user field Activity Assignee or Act CAM. Otherwise it will be difficult to interpret the assignment mapping grid. For more information, see Assignment Mapping Grid Overview

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