Export Data from PM Compass

You must have an email address listed in EPM Security Administrator in order to perform an export.

You can perform the export from the Workflows Form View or the Change Details View.

Export Data from the Workflows Form View

You can only perform an export from the Workflows Form view when a Cobra Export Report is specified on the Change Details on Form tab in Workflow Type Configuration.

To export the sandbox project:

  1. In PM Compass, click Workflows » Change Management.

  2. In the List View, select the workflow and click Form View on the toolbar.

  3. On the Form view toolbar, click Processes » Export.

PM Compass emails the Cobra Export Report file to you. You can open and save the report to a local folder.

Export Data from the Change Details View

To export the sandbox project:

  1. In PM Compass, click Workflows » Change Management.

  2. In the List View, select the workflow and click Form View on the toolbar.

  3. Click Change Details.

  4. On the Change Details view toolbar, click Export.

PM Compass emails the Cobra Export Report file to you. You can open and save the report to a local folder.