Change Management Fields in Open Plan

PM Compass uses calculated fields to determine what changed with a change request such as direct manual changes where someone changes an activity. For example, when someone updates the duration, or adds a resource assignment. These can be viewed from the workflow form by clicking Change Log, or by adding the calculated field, PMC_changed_text, to the Open Plan view.

The table below lists the Open Plan fields that relate to PM Compass Change Management. You can add these fields to your Open Plan view to assist with your change request.

Field in Open Plan


PMC Change Number


When you change an activity, the PMC Change Number column in Open Plan is populated with the change number of the active workflow.

If there are two or more workflows that make a change to the same activity during a single modeling session, the change numbers in the PMC Change Number column are listed comma delimited.

Change number is not added when you make a change to a relationship. To see relationship changes, look at the schedule change log.

PMC Update Baseline Dates


When you add a new activity to the Open Plan project, the PMC Update Baseline Dates column is automatically populated so that the baseline dates are updated.

When you populate this column, the PMC Change Number column is automatically populated, and the activity is added to the Schedule Change log.

If you enter a value and then remove it, the activity is still added to the change baseline unless you enter a value into the PMC Suppress Changed column.

If your change caused an activity date to change (for example, adding a target date to an existing activity, changing a relationship, duration, or EVT, or moving an activity  to a replanned work package), and you want the baseline dates of all associated activities linked to a work package to be updated, you must enter a Yes or Y in the PMC Update Baseline Dates field and select the Automatically Update Baseline Dates When a Change Causes the Activity Dates to Change option in Change Details on Form tab of Workflow Type Configuration. Alternatively, if you do not want to update the baseline dates of all associated activities linked to a work package, you must enter a No or N in the PMC Update Baseline Dates field.

When the workflow is approved, the integration with the change baseline updates the work package dates to span all of the activities in the change baseline. If the other activities linked to the WP are omitted from the change baseline, the WP will be updated to only span the activities in the change baseline.

PMC Suppress Changed


When you enter a value in this field, the activity is not added to the change baseline. Cobra ignores the change during integration but the change is applied to Open Plan during the Complete step.

PMC Include in Baseline


Use this field to manually select activities that should be included in the baseline. Changing this field indicates a change to the activity. If any value is stored in this field, the activity is added to the change baseline.

Progress Integration Fields in Open Plan

Field in Open Plan


PMC Pending Progress Activity

This project-level field is used during integration with other scheduling tools such as Microsoft project and Primavera P6. PMC populates this field to indicate that there is progress that needs to be exported to the other scheduling tool.

PMC Activity Pending Progress Flag

When progress is approved, PMC enters a value in the activity field PMC_ActivityPendingProgFlag to indicate that the activity has progress to be returned to Microsoft Project or Primavera.

This field is used to filter which activities will be integrated into the schedule. That filter is specified in the configuration saved in the database (default data when using MSP or Primavera). When the integration of changes is complete, this field is reset.