Apportionment Calculations

Use apportionment to create a budget, earned value, and a forecast for work that is based on other work. Use apportionment, for example, if you budget IT Support as a percentage of Engineering. Engineering is the source for the apportionment and IT Support is the target.

In Cobra, add the calculations and mappings that define where the new resource assignments are added and how they are calculated. After you set up apportionment, you can use the Calculate Apportionment wizard to run apportionment calculations to create a budget for the apportioned resource.

If you want to include apportionment calculations as part of the PM Compass Change Management workflow, you can add the Calculate Apportionment step action to the workflow. When the step action runs, PM Compass creates a process log that is added to the Links tab. Refresh the Budget Details grid on the workflow form to see the results of the apportionment calculation. If the process fails, PM Compass sends an email to the user who approved or started the workflow to let them know that it failed.

PM Compass supports apportionment calculations in Change Management workflow with the following limitations: The apportionment mapping for the Cobra project must use a target of <Same as Source>/<Work Package>. You cannot use a target mapping of a different control account to the source control account, or alternate project, or <Same as Source> without a specific work package. PM Compass assumes that a target work package only contains apportioned resources.

PM Compass does not support mapping at the master project level.

What do you want to do?

Add Apportionment Calculations to the Workflow

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