Operator Overview

The operators that can be selected depend on the Column type. The operators can be either unary or binary. If the operator is unary then the Value column is disabled. Population depends on the column’s type:

Character, Numeric and User

The following operators can be used only when the dialog is called from the User-Initiated Alert application:


The following operators can be used only when the dialog is called from the Scheduled Alert application:

The operators that end with “is” trigger the alert when the month/quarter/year is equal to the one specified.

The operators that begin with "this" trigger the alert if specified week/month/quarter falls on the current week/month/quarter:

The operators that begin with "In" trigger the alert once before the specified number of days/weeks/month that date:

The date operators that end with Ago trigger the alert specified number of days/weeks/months after the date:

The following operators can be used only when the dialog is called from the User-Initiated Alert application:

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