Share a Modified Report with Other Users

When you save a new report, the system saves it as a personal report. No other user can view a personal report (even as a report dashpart). In order for others to see the report, you have to change it to a global report using Access Control.  

To share a report with other users, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Navigation menu, click Reports ยป <Report Category>.

  2. On the Reports tab, select the report for which you want to change access control.

  3. Click Access Control.

  4. On the Access Control dialog box, define the users/groups to whom you want to give access. You can further define if the user/group will have read only or full access.

    If you select read only, that user can access the report but cannot change the report options.

  5. Click Save.

  6. On the Reports tab grid, the report Type changes to Global.

What do you want to do?

Modify options for a standard report

Specify report criteria

Save a modified standard report as a new report

Transfer report ownership

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