Deltek PM Compass contains a number of common searches that are pre-defined. These static searches are uneditable and display in the drop-down list of saved searches, above the Personal and Global search folders. Static searches use , instead of , which Personal and Global search folders uses.
For more information, see Search Overview.
Here are some examples:
My Assignments — This contains all of the workflows to which you are assigned for all projects. The result set, however, does not include workflows that have not started yet.
All Workflows — This contains all workflows.
My Workflows — This contains all of the workflows to which you are assigned as the originator, any user defined fields on the workflow, Control Account Manager, any user defined fields on the Control Account, or any user mapping on the Control Account.
My Pending Progress — This displays Progress entries that are specifically assigned to you to enter progress and created for the current period's progress submission. It only includes records that have not yet been submitted or have been rejected and can still be submitted.