View Parent Workflows

You can view parent records on the Workflow List View.

To view parent workflows, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Workflows » <Workflow Category> to view workflows for a specific category or click Workflows » All Workflows to view all workflow records.

  2. To display the workflow form, click the title of a workflow whose details you want to view.

    On the form, precedes the title of a parent with children. If does not display next to the workflow title, it means that the parent does not have any children.

    Example: <Parent Workflow>

  3. To display the list of children for the parent, click next to the parent title.

    The list of children does not include Assignment and Dashboard alerts, as these are not considered true children.

What do you want to do?

Learn about parent/child relationships

Learn about the parent/child workflow steps

View child workflows

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