Downstream Change Form

Use the Downstream Change form to notify downstream CAMS of changes to their workflows as a result of a change request in a different control account.

A Downstream Change is automatically created when the Create Downstream Workflows step action is executed. You can use this form to view the control account that was changed as a result of a change request in a different control account. Downstream changes are meant to be read only. They are there for informational purposes only.

See The Downstream CAM's are Notified on the Change Management Process page for more information about this process.

For more information on change management, see the following:

Downstream changes are not really part of the actual change request but are instead the effect of a change. Thus the control accounts relating to the downstream changes are not displayed on the parent form.

You can click the parent title to see the parent control account that caused the change; however, you cannot see the time phased adjustments and changes to the work package dates in the downstream form. You can view the time phased adjustments and changes to the work package dates by accessing the temporary cost project, or waiting until the parent change request is approved.

The default Downstream Change form only provides information and therefore has no editable fields. You can, however, edit the workflow steps exactly as you would for any other workflow. For example, you may want to notify other people of the change. After you approve the change, the default workflow steps have Publish as an action on the step. This action changes the workflow status to Published which is used as a filter in the sample dashpart titled Important Workflows. This dashpart can be used to display the Initial Work Authorization and all approved changes to the control account.

Important: Until the change request is complete, the Downstream Change contains information that is not yet in the source project. Therefore, until the change request is complete:

Form Toolbar

Use the toolbar to save the change request, view the List View, or access help.

Form Tabs

The Downstream Change form includes the following tabs by default:

Use the Tabs on Form tab in Workflow Type Configuration to determine the labels for tabs and to add or remove tabs for each workflow type.

What do you want to do?

View a parent workflow

Learn about child workflows

Learn about parent/child relationships

Learn about parent/child workflow

Create a budget change request

Create a forecast change request

Learn about navigation of parent/child workflows

Customize the form using Form Designer

View location

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