Export Projects from Primavera 6 Release 7

Use these procedure to export project data to an xls file from Primavera 6 release 7.

For more information, see Schedule Import Overview.

To export projects in Primavera 6 release 7, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the projects you want to export.

  2. Click File » Export.

  3. Select the spreadsheet (XLS).

  4. Select the subject area(s) you want to export.

  5. Mark the check box for the project from which you want to export data. If exporting resources only, you will skip this step in the wizard.

  6. Add, modify, or select a template that specifies the fields you want to export. You can create a filter to export only a portion of the activities in the project. In the template, select each subject area on the drop-down list to modify its columns, filter, and sort information.

  7. Click OK.

    The export file will use the default template for the selected subject areas if you do not add a new one.

  8. Type or select the name of the export file and the location where the file will be saved. If you have selected more than one subject area to export, each subject area will appear in a separate worksheet in the same spreadsheet file.

  9. Click Finish.


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