Configure Access Control to Dashboards

Use the Access Control to Dashboards dialog box to share your dashboards with other users or groups in read-only mode. Your shared dashboards and the associated dashparts are displayed on the Navigation menu under Public Dashboards.

For more information, see Dashboard Overview.

If the users with whom you share a dashboard have the right to create dashboards, they can make copies of your shared dashboard and become the owners of the dashboard copies. The original  dashboard, shared in read-only mode, remains under Public Dashboards on the Navigation menu.

You can also use this dialog box to view the groups and users who have access to your dashboards and to revoke their access to your shared dashboards.

Any user who is a member of the SYSADMIN group can grant or revoke access to any dashboard in PM Compass.

To configure access control to dashboards, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Dashboards then select the dashboard that you own.

  2. On the Dashboard toolbar, click Dashboards ยป Access Control to Dashboards.

  3. Use the Access Control to Dashboards dialog box to give users or groups full or read-only access to your dashboards.

What do you want to do?

Learn about the Dashboard toolbar

Create dashboards

Copy dashboards

Set default dashboard

Add dashparts

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