If you only have one server for your entire PM Compass installation, you can leave the server name blank and everything will run from the server designated in the URL to start PM Compass.
If you have more than one server, you must add them to the EPM Security Administrator. The application servers that you list become available to be selected as process servers.
Application servers refer to servers that process user requests. Typical operations include saving user data and handling requests from the client application.
Process servers refer to servers that process scheduled jobs. Typical operations includes scheduled reports, queued integration processes, and workflows.
To add, edit, or delete an application server, complete the following steps:
Login to EPM Security Administrator using an account with SYSADMIN privileges.
On the Navigation menu, click Configuration » System Settings.
On the Servers tab, do one of the following:
To add a new process queue or application server, click Insert on the Application Servers grid toolbar. Deltek PM Compass adds a blank row, in which you can enter the name of the queue or server.
To delete an existing queue, select the queue in the Application Servers grid and then click Delete on the grid toolbar.
Complete or modify other fields on this form.
Click Save.
For more information, see the EPM Security Administrator online help topics Servers Tab of System Settings (Managing Configuration » System Settings » Toolbar and Tabs).