Conditions Dialog Box

You use the Conditions dialog box to define the conditions that will be evaluated to determine if the Alert will be executed. PM Compass looks at the conditions in the order in which you specify them on this form. Use the Move Up and Move Down arrows to arrange them in the correct order.

Conditions Grid

Grid Toolbar




Select the following options from the drop-down list: 

  • Print — Select this option to display the Print Preview form with the grid’s contents displayed.

  • Export to Excel — Select this option to display the Microsoft Excel application with the grid’s contents displayed.


This button adds a new row to the Conditions grid.

Move Up

This button moves the selected condition one row up.

Move Down

This button moves the selected condition one row down.


This button duplicates a selected row in the Conditions grid.


This button deletes the selected row in the Conditions grid.

Grid Columns

Field Name



Select the column to which you want to apply the workflow condition.


Select the appropriate operator to set the conditions of the workflow. For example, if you want to be alerted when empty fields now contain information, you select not empty. The available options change depending on what is selected in the Column field.

  • If you select a date column in the Column field, additional date operators are available, such as Month is, This Week, and Last Days.

  • The date operators that begin with In (such as In Months) trigger the workflow once every x days (or weeks, months) before the date. For example, an alert is sent once when the Project Estimated Completion is in exactly 30 days.

  • The date operators that end with Ago (such as Weeks Ago) trigger the workflow once every x weeks (or days, months) after the date. For example, an alert is sent once exactly two weeks after the Project Estimate Completion has past.

  • If you select a date operator that begins with Next or Last (such as Next Days, Last Month), an alert is sent every time the workflow process fires. For example, an alert is sent to the user daily when the Estimated Completion date is within the next 30 days. The email message is sent every day until the Estimated Completion date is changed to a date outside of the range or on the day of the Estimated Completion date.

For more details, see Operator Overview.


Use this field in conjunction with the Operator field to set the condition.

  • The popup that this field displays depends on the column you select. For example, if you select Control Account: Baseline Start in the Column field, this field displays a calendar from which you can select a date.

  • If you select Empty, Not Empty, Has Changed, or Has Not Changed in the Operator field, this field is not applicable and is grayed out.


Use this column to input more complex conditions. This field is only available for Scheduled workflows.

Click the ellipses in the column field to display the SQL Expression Builder dialog box where you can create elaborate condition.


This field allows you to define the conditions further. Deltek recommends that you select either all ANDs or all ORs in these fields.



Click this button to save the changes made to the conditions and close the Conditions dialog box.


Click this button to cancel any changes made to the conditions and close the Conditions dialog box.


Click this button to display the help topic on Alert conditions.

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