Areas of the Timesheet Screen

The Timesheet screen has two main sections. In Form view the top half, or header area, includes basic information, action buttons, directional arrows, and the More drop-down list, where other informational subtasks are listed. The time entry table displays below the header.

Header —The header of the timesheet displays basic information and includes options for adding, copying, and selecting timesheets. The header can be displayed in Form or Table view. For documentation purposes, it is assumed the header is in Form view, where the tabs display.

Informational Subtasks  — Use the links available from the More drop-down list to display subtasks related to other timesheet functions, such as entering time in/out or start/stop time hours, accessing charge favorites, or viewing leave balances.

Timesheet Lines — The Timesheet Lines area can be displayed in Form or Table view. For documentation purposes, it is assumed you are entering hours in Table view. Use the Timesheet Lines table to enter all of the hours that you worked during the pay period and where they should be charged. Total hours are displayed for each day (for example, how many hours you worked on January 12) and for each type of charge (for example, how much time you spent during the timesheet period on a specific project).