Screen Fields

Use the fields of the Resource Licenses screen to provide the criteria for the employee selection.

Password Utility Screen Fields

Field Description

Click to select the function of the supervisor from the drop-down. The available selections depend on the rights that you have as a supervisor in the system. If you have more than one functional role in the system the default will be Select.  If you have just one functional role, it will be the default.

If you have not selected a functional role when you click the Execute, the system will display the following error message: No function is selected.

Your selection determines which groups display in the group list. For example, if you have a primary supervisor function set up in your Functional Roles screen and select Primary Supervisor, the groups to which you have primary supervisory rights will display in the group list.  Please see the Functional Roles section of the Deltek Time Collection Getting Started Guide for more information.


The groups are listed in alphabetical order. Select the group or groups that you wish to include. If you have not chosen a group when you click , the system will display the following error message: At least one Employee Group needs to be selected.


Use the drop-down to select the type of action you wish to perform. The options are:

  • Grant Access
  • Remove Access

The default action is Grant Access.


Click to select the module to which you wish to grant or remove employee access. The available options are based on the modules that your system is licensed for and may be the following:

  • Time
  • Expense

If you are currently licensed for all modules, the default will be Time.

Employee Status

Use the drop-down to select the status of the employees you wish to update. The default is All. The available options are:

  • All
  • Active
  • Inactive
Last Name

You can use this optional field to filter the employees in the selected group(s). Enter the last name or part of the last name to use as a filter.


Click to load and display the Results table with the employees that meet the selected criteria.

The employees that display on the Results table are determined by the following:

If the Action is Grant Access, all employees:

  • Must be in selected Group.
  • Must have selected Employee Status.
  • If Last Name is supplied, must have matching name.
  • Must not already have access to the selected Module.

If the Action is Remove Access, all employees:

  • Must be in selected Group.
  • Must have selected Employee Status.
  • If Last Name is supplied, must have matching name.
  • Must have access to selected Module.

Group Box

This group box will be displayed if you selected Grant Access as the Action. The title of this group box depends on the selected Module. If you selected Time as the Module, Time is title of this group box. If you selected Expense as the Module, this group box will be titled Expense. This grouping allows you to see the number of licenses that are available to you for granting access.

Field Description
# of Licenses

This non-editable field displays the total number of seat licenses your company has for the selected Module.

Used Licenses

This non-editable field displays the number of seat licenses your company is currently using for the selected Module.

Available Licenses

This non-editable field displays the number of seat licenses available for the selected Module.

Resources Table

The employees that display in the Resources table are determined by the criteria you selected.

Field Description
Login ID This non-editable column displays the name of the employee. If the system is configured to show employee IDs, each employee's ID is displayed in parentheses after its associated employee name.
Email Address This field displays the employee's email address.

If your Time & Expense system is co-deployed with Costpoint, and if a record exists for the resource in Manage Users, this field is non-editable and displays the email address that exists for the resource in that screen.

Employee Name This field displays the employee name.
Employee ID This field displays the Employee ID.
Time This field indicates whether the employee is licensed for the Time module.
Expense This field indicates whether the employee is licensed for the Expense module.
Update Select the Update button to update the database.