Blanket Subtask

The Blanket subtask of the Supporting Schedules section displays the expense reports, authorized dollar limit, and remaining balance associated with this expense authorization.

Use the Blanket subtask to see whether an open authorization has exceeded the remaining dollar amount, including any established tolerance limit, or whether it can still be selected on an expense report.

Note: This subtask link only displays for blanket expense authorizations.

Screen Fields

Field Description

Select Open to make the blanket authorization available for use with expense reports.

Note: An open authorization that has exceeded the remaining dollar amount, including any established tolerance limit, can still be selected on an expense report, but the report is routed to the appropriate supervisor for approval.

Select Closed to make the authorization unavailable for use with expense reports.

Incurred This field displays the combined dollar amount of all the associated expense reports
Planned Displays the total planned amount.
Remaining This field represents the amount of the authorization (Authorized field) minus all the associated expense report amounts (Total Incurred field).
Expense Report ID

This field displays the ID of the expense report that references the authorization. Click the hyperlinked ID number to open the associated expense report.

Date Displays the expense authorization date.

This field displays the description of the associated expense report.


This field displays the current status of the expense report. Status options include the following:

  • Draft
  • Submitted
  • Under Review
  • Approved
  • Rejected
  • Processed
  • Voided

This field displays the total dollar amount of the associated expense report in U.S. dollars.