Default Charges Tab

Use the Default Charges tab of the Background section to enter the specific charges to which the expense estimates will default.

Enter as many charge allocations as necessary and set up the default allocation percentage for each allocation.

Screen Fields

Field Description
Add Charge

Click Add Charge to add a default charge allocation to the Default Charges table.


To remove a charge you added to the table, select the row that contains the charge and click Delete.

Add to Favorites

To add the charge to your favorites, click Add to Favorites in Form view or, in Table view, select the check box next to the row you want to add and click Add to Favorites.


This number identifies each charge.

Charge Type

From the Charge Type drop-down list, select the charge type you want to use for this expense. The valid values are UDT01 and UDT02.


Click to select a valid charge or charges that will be used for this expense report.

Field Description

The description of the charge displays in this non-editable field.

Default Allocation

Enter the allocation percentage that will be the default for this charge. The total percentage for all allocations must be 100%.

Field Description

Click Submit to sign the expense authorization.

UDT 09

The UDT09 value displays automatically if only one valid value is available for the selected charge. If more than one value is available, use to select a valid UDT09 Click (lookup) to select the expense charge type for this expense report.

Note: The UDT09 Name column displays only if the Allow Org Entry check box is selected on the Expense Configuration screen.
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