Validity Check Process

Use the Validity Check API process to automatically run a validity check.

Process Settings

Below are the settings you must define for the Validity Check API process.

Setting Description Sample Value
ProcessID This setting informs Cobra to run the Validity Check process. ValidityCheck
Project This setting refers to the Cobra project you are validating.

This setting is required.

BusinessValidation If value is set to 1, Cobra validates the control account, work package, forecast, and milestone dates on the project, and performs other data integrity checks on the control accounts or work packages.

This setting is optional, and the default value is 1.

ResourceCodeAssignmentValidation If value is set to 1, Cobra validates that the resource and code assignments in the project do not have invalid referenced data or undefined results.

This setting optional, and the default value is 1.

AncillaryFilesValidation If value is set to 1, Cobra validates all the ancillary files (rate files, resource files, calendar files, and code files) attached to the project and rebuild resource/code structures.

This setting is optional, and the default value is 1.

DataAnomalyValidation If value is set to 1, Cobra validates data anomalies such as work packages with invalid control accounts and orphan and duplicate records in the project.

This setting is optional, and the default value is 1.

ProjectApportionmentDefinitionValidation Set this field to 1 to validate master project and project definitions such as the class/cost set assignments, project audit log records, master project, and apportionment definition checks.

This setting is optional, and the default value is 1.


Sample Script

Below is a sample script file for the Validity Check API process.
