Using the Find Function

You can find records in the Spreadsheet pane without expanding all of the records.

Using the Find function highlights the row where the record is located. Clicking Find Next highlights the next matching row and expands the rows accordingly.

The Find function in the Spreadsheet pane works as follows:
  • Cobra always starts the search from the topmost row and displays the first result from the top of the Spreadsheet pane. The results are sorted based on default sort order: Control Account key field, Work Package key field, class, and resource.
  • For the Progress Technique and Status columns, you can select a value from the field instead of typing a value to search.
  • When you use the Find function to search for a blank value or a space, Cobra displays the "Please specify a value to find" message.

  • When you have unsaved changes and you use the Find function, Cobra prompts you to save the changes. If you select No, the Find function will not proceed.
  • The Find function works based on what is visible and applied within the current content of the Spreadsheet pane of a specific user. If multiple users are concurrently accessing the same project, it is possible that the changes one user is performing on the project may not reflect on the view of the other user, if the changes are not yet saved, or if the other user has not yet refreshed the view. In such cases, the following may happen:
    • Cobra will not return any matching results and display the "Could not find specified value" message.
    • Cobra will expand the rows but will not highlight any specific row.
    • Cobra will highlight a specific row but will not return any matching results.

Using the Find Function for Numeric Data

Use the Find function to search for numeric data in the Spreadsheet pane of the Project view. The Find function for numeric data works as follows:

  • Cobra searches for the actual values of the columns in the Spreadsheet pane.
  • The Match case and Match entire cell contents options in the Find dialog box are always disabled.
  • Cobra only returns results that starts with the supplied search value in the Find dialog box.