Save Current View As Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to save modifications that you made to a view either by creating a new view or updating an existing one.


Field Description
Name This field displays the name of the view. This field is required and may contain special characters and alphanumeric values, but may not exceed 59 characters. By default, this field displays the name of the currently selected view. When the selected view is <Default>, this field is empty.
Description This field displays the description of the view. This field is optional and may not exceed 254 characters. By default, this field displays the description of the currently selected view. When the selected view is <Default>, this field is empty.

If the name of the view already exists, Cobra displays a message asking if you want to overwrite it. If you have rights to modify the view, Cobra allows you to change the name, but the owner of the view is not changed.

If you do not have rights to modify the view, Cobra displays a message asking to provide a different name to the view. Cobra creates a new view and assigns you as the Owner. The view is considered "Personal" until you modify the access control using the Manage Views dialog box.

Display the Save Current View As Dialog Box

Use this procedure to display the Save Current View As dialog box.

To display the Save Current View As dialog box:

  1. Display the Project view.
  2. In the View group on the Edit tab, click Save View.