Miscellaneous Page of the wInsight Wizard

Use this page to set options for the exported format, calendar, and dollar scale factor.

The information entered on this page will be placed in the XML file as follows:

  • Data entered in the Exported Format group box is exported to the <RptType> parameter in the <Contracts> section of the XML file.
  • The name of the calendar, date format, and end of year date are exported to the <Calendars> section of the XML file.
  • The specific calendar dates are exported to the <CalendarDets> section of the XML file.

Exported Format

Use these options to determine the format of the data used when importing in wInsight. Select one of the following checkboxes:

Field Description
CPR Select this checkbox to make IPMR formats available when importing in wInsight.
CSSR Select this checkbox to make the CSSR report available in wInsight. If you select this checkbox, manpower information and the OBS export structure are not exported to the XML file.
Note: Selecting this checkbox removes the F3UnitID, F4UnitID, and F4StruID parameters from the <Contracts> section of the XML file.

Export Options

Field Description
Export status flag to each WBS code Select this checkbox to export a status flag for all codes in the WBS. The flag indicates whether the corresponding control account or work package is in progress, complete, or planned.
When you use this checkbox for the first time, you must have permission in wInsight to add custom columns to the wInsight database because this checkbox adds a custom field called Status to the wInsight database.
Export monthly forecast periods This checkbox is only enabled if you have a rolling wave assigned to the calendar. By default, this checkbox is cleared.

If this checkbox is cleared, the wInsight Export will include all periods (weekly and monthly.)

If this checkbox is selected, the wInsight Export will roll the weeks back up to the monthly values and only export month - end totals.

Exclude unassigned codes Select this checkbox to filter the WBS and OBS codes to only contain those with project data assigned. You can use this checkbox when combining contractor data in wInsight.
Export unused structure elements This checkbox controls what happens if you have codes (or structure elements) in your WBS or other selected structures that contain no data – the codes are not used as fields on any control accounts or work packages. Selecting this checkbox exports those codes with a zero value. When the file is imported into wInsight, the unused codes are set to zero to remove the previously imported data. This makes the values for each code in wInsight and Cobra match.
Clearing this checkbox is useful when you use wInsight to combine subcontractor data from a different leg of the WBS. When you choose not to export unused structure elements, the missing codes are not zeroed out during the import. When the subcontractor data for the other codes is imported, the data for those codes is added to the wInsight project.


Use these options to export a calendar from the Cobra project. The exported calendar is given the name of the calendar used by the project. Selecting this checkbox enables the following fields:

Field Description
Financial End of Year (mm.dd) Use this field to enter the month and day for the end of the fiscal year.
Date Format Use this field to select the date format that you want to use.

Currency and Hours Options

Field Description
Dollar scale factor Use this field to enter a numeric value. Dollar currency values are divided by this value.
The XML file contains the dollar values based on the scale factor.
Currency precision Use this field to enter the number of decimal places, from 0 - 6, for currency values. By default, this field is set to 2.
Hours precision Use this field to enter the number of decimal places, from 0 - 6, for hour values. By default, this field is set to 2.