General Tab of the Add Batch Report Dialog Box

Use this tab to define the fields of a batch report.


Field Description
Name Use this field to enter a name for the batch report. By default, this field has a value of New Batch Report 1. If this name already exists, the number is incremented (for example, New Batch Report 2, and so on).

You must enter a unique name in this field. You can use alphanumeric characters and spaces.

Description Use this field to enter a description for the batch report.
Generate reports using Use these options to select whether to use a project or ancillary files when generating the batch report.
  • Project: Select this option to generate the batch report using a project. Click to select the project or enter the project's name in the field. You can select only one project or a master project.

    By default, this option is selected.

  • Ancillary Files: Select this option to generate the batch report using an ancillary file. Selecting this option enables the File column on the Included Reports tab, allowing you to select an ancillary file depending on the selected report type.
Output Type Use this field to select the output type of the included reports.
  • Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm): Select this option to generate the included reports as Excel files with embedded macros. Each included report is in a separate Excel file.
  • Excel Workbook (*.xlsx): Select this option to generate the included reports as Excel 2007 files. Each included report is in a separate Excel file.
  • CSV (Comma Delimited) (*.csv): Select this option to generate the included reports as CSV files. Each included report is in a separate CSV file.
  • Adobe PDF Files (*.pdf): Select this option to generate the included reports in a PDF file.
  • Web Page (*.html): Select this option to generate the included reports in HTML format.
Output Path Use this field to enter the directory where you want to save the report. You can also click to navigate to a path. This field is required.
Note: By default, reports are saved in the following directory: C:\Users\<User>\Documents\Deltek\Cobra.

If an output path is defined on the Batch Reports dialog box, the new batch report is saved in the location you specified.

The saved report uses the following file name format:

  • If you select Project: [ReportName]_[FilterID (if used)].[file extension]
  • If you select Ancillary Files: [ReportName]_[AncillaryFileName]_[FilterID (if used)].[file extension]
Create subfolder based on calendar period label Select this checkbox if you want the output of the included reports to be stored in a subfolder under the output path you defined. The subfolder's name is the same as the current period's label, as defined in the basic calendar set. Subfolders help you organize reports based on the dates on which they are run.