Fixed Percentage Change Per Time Period Page of the Add Rate Set Wizard

This page displays only if you select the Fixed percentage change per time period option on the Rate Set Options page of the Add Rate Set Wizard.


Field Description
Calendar Use this field to select the calendar used to generate periods for the rates within the rate set.
Start date Use this field to enter the date when the rate set becomes effective. You can enter a start date that is prior to the start date of the calendar.
  • If you have a start date that is prior to the start date of the calendar and you selected the Fiscal Period option in the Apply change each field, Cobra will use the periods after the start date of the selected calendar. For example, assume that you entered a start date of 1/1/2004, selected the Fiscal Period option in the Apply change each field, and selected a calendar that does not start until 1/1/2007. The rate file will have entries for 1/1/2004, 1/1/2007, and subsequent periods. Cobra will not include the periods between 1/1/2004 and 1/1/2007 in the rate file since those dates do not exist in the calendar. The date entry for the first rate will be 1/1/2004 and the date entry for the second rate will be 1/1/2007.
  • If you have a start date that is prior to the start date of the calendar and you selected the Year or Quarter option in the Apply change each field, Cobra will not use the selected calendar to generate periods for the rate set. Cobra will use the actual date that you entered in the Start Date field to generate rate periods and make increments either yearly or quarterly. For example, assume that you entered a start date of 1/1/2000, selected the Year or Quarter option in the Apply change each field, and selected a calendar that does not start until 1/1/2002. Cobra will generate a rate set with dates of 1/1/2000, 1/1/2001, 1/1/2002, 1/1/2003, and so on until the end of the selected calendar.
Start value Enter the initial rate for the rate set.
Percent change per period Use this field to enter the amount of change per period in percent. You can enter a negative percentage value in this field. If you enter a negative percentage value in this field, the rate decreases every period.
Apply change each Use this field to indicate how often you want to implement the rate change.

Your options are:

  • Year: Cobra applies the rate change on a yearly basis, on the same day and month as specified in the Start Date field. Cobra does not use the selected calendar to create the dates for the rate changes.
  • Quarter: Cobra applies the rate change on a quarterly basis, starting on the date specified in Start Date field. Cobra does not use the selected calendar to create the dates for the rate changes.
  • Fiscal Period: Cobra applies the rate change after each period cut-off date, beginning with the second date in the selected calendar.