Included Costs Page of the Integration Wizard

Use this page to define if the records in the import file represent costs for a given period or if they are cumulative-to-date costs.

Note: The Included Costs page displays only when integrating actual costs.


Field Description
Period Costs Use this option to indicate that each record in the file is for a specific period. If no date is defined on the record, it is assumed that the record is for the current period.
Replace existing This checkbox is enabled if you select Period Costs. Select this option to replace any existing actual cost records in Cobra with corresponding records in the import file. No change occurs in existing Cobra records that do not have matching records in the import file.
Post valid records This checkbox is enabled if you select Period Costs. Select this option to post valid records even if invalid records are found in the file. If you do not select this option, the process stops if invalid records are found, and no record is posted.
Prevent loading historical actual costs This checkbox is enabled if you select Period Costs. Select this option to load only the actual costs with cost date values that fall between the start and finish dates of the current status period during the load actuals process. By default, this option is cleared.
Cumulative Costs Use this option to indicate that records in the file are cumulative-to-date costs. Cobra subtracts the previous cumulative value to arrive at the correct current period value. The current period values are then loaded into the current period. Cumulative-to-date values are preferred because they are by their very nature self-correcting. For example, assume that an accounting error was made in the previous period. If a correct cumulative-to-date value were entered in the current period, the error would be corrected by an adjusting entry in the current period.

Select this option to enable the Zero unreferenced actual costs checkbox.

Zero unreferenced actual costs Select this checkbox to set the cumulative value of actual costs to zero for any control account or work package not found in the import file. If you do not select this option, no change occurs in any account that is not referenced.
Select classes to exclude This checkbox is enabled when you select the Zero unreferenced actual costs checkbox. Select this checkbox if you want records belonging to the specified class to be excluded from the import.

To select a class for exclusion, click on the corresponding field.

Note: You can select more than one class for exclusion.
Exclusion file This checkbox is enabled when you select the Zero unreferenced actual costs checkbox. Select this checkbox if you want records belonging to the specified file to be excluded from the import through the zeroing process.

To select a file for exclusion, click on the corresponding field.

Note: You can select only one file. The file must be of the same type and in the same format as the import file. For example, if the import file has the field order WBS, OBS, and WP then the exclusion file should also have the same order.

If the Control Account columns are included in the exclusion file, and the work packages, resources and classes are not included or are empty, all work packages, resources and classes will be excluded from the import under the Control Account.

If the Work Package columns are included in the exclusion file, and the resources and classes are not included or are empty, all resources and classes will be excluded from the import under the Work Package.

If the Resource Assignments columns are included in the exclusion file, and the classes are not included or are empty, all classes will be excluded from the import where the resource assignment name matches.

If the Resource Assignment and Class columns are included in the exclusion file, only the resource assignments with matching classes will be excluded from the import.