Setting up Upload Attachments when Ajera and SQL are on the same server
In order to Upload Attachments in Ajera, you need to enable FileStream.
If Ajera and SQL are installed on the same server, you can turn on FileStream from Ajera Server Administration.
If Ajera and SQL are installed on different servers, you will need to follow the directions here.
To turn on Upload Attachments using SQL FileStream when Ajera and SQL are on the same server
- From the Ajera server, go to the Windows Start menu and select All Programs > Ajera > Ajera Server Administration.
- From the Tasks menu, select Setup Upload Attachments.
You will get the message "FileStream databases have been created."
This creates a new FileStream database for each Ajera database you use. The naming convention for files uploaded will be AjeraFiles followed by the name of the database.
- Click OK.
- To verify FileStream is enabled, from
> Setup menu, select Company > Preferences > General tab and verify that the check box in the lower right is checked. This check will have to be done for each Ajera database.