Deleting a client invoice adjustment

You cannot delete an invoice adjustment after it appears on a final client invoice. If you no longer want to use the invoice adjustment, close the adjustment by changing the status to Closed through > Manage > Project Command Center.

This topic contains instructions for deleting an adjustment and closing an adjustment.

Deleting an adjustment

You can delete an adjustment in the following ways if it has not yet appeared on a final client invoice:

Deleting an invoice adjustment from Manage > Client Invoices

  1. From the > Manage menu, click Client Invoices.
  1. Click the invoice you want to delete, and click Edit.
  2. Click the Invoice Adjustments tab.
  3. Right-click the invoice adjustment you want to delete, and click Delete Adjustment.
  4. Click Yes to delete the adjustment.
  5. Click Save.

Deleting an invoice adjustment from > Manage > Project Command Center

  1. Open the project (click > Manage > Project Command Center, and click the project in the project list at the top of the window).
  2. Click the adjustment phase you want to delete. Adjustment phases appear in orange in the project tree.
  3. Click the Delete button at the bottom of the window.
  4. Click Yes to delete the adjustment phase.
  5. Click Save.

Closing an adjustment

To remove an adjustment from only the current draft invoice and want it to recur on future invoices, after you print the final client invoice, change the status of the adjustment back to Active.

  1. Open the project (click > Manage > Project Command Center, and click the project in the project list at the top of the window).
  2. Click the adjustment phase that you want to close. Adjustment phases appear in orange in the project tree.
  3. Click the Project Info tab > General subtab.
  4. In the Status field, select Closed.
  5. Click Save.