Changing budget totals

As you work with your project budget, you can choose to do the following:


Do this

Lock contract totals?

You can instruct Ajera to lock your contract amount totals so that they cannot be changed regardless of any changes you make to the budget for lower level phases and resources.

  • To prevent changes to a contract total, click the unlocked lockto lock it.
  • To allow changes to a contract total, click the locked lock to unlock it.
Note: When you lock a phase amount, you cannot change any amounts in the % Dist column.

Change totals?

Ajera does not automatically change hours/units, cost, or contract amount totals when you change lower-level amounts. In this way, you can control if and when certain totals change. Instead, when a total no longer equals the sum of its lower-level amounts, Ajera displays a plus icon next to the name of the budget item for that total.

Depending on the goal for your budget, do one of the following:

  • Adjust the lower-level items until they equal the total. When a total equals the sum of its lower levels, the plus icon disappears.
  • Change your total so that it equals the sum of the lower levels by clicking the plus icon.

Recalculate cost or contract amounts?

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Consultant Management add-on

If you change cost or contract amounts that are based on a cost rate or billing rate, or if you later return to working on your budget and employee costs or billing rates have changed, the icon appears. Click it if you want to recalculate all cost and contract amounts for the entire project based on standard rates as set up in Ajera.