About setting up inquiry security

You control which employees can view and maintain inquiries according to the way you set up security for roles ( > Setup > Company > Roles > General tab and Inquiry tab).

You can set up security in one of the following ways:

In addition, you can limit the information principals-in-charge and project managers see on their inquiries.

Allowing complete access to view and change all inquiries

You want to allow role members to be able to change all existing inquiries and save new custom inquiries, giving them the same rights as an administrator.

After clicking > Setup > Company > Roles and selecting a job role, do the following:

  • On the General tab, select the Manage custom reports and inquiries check box.

Specifying which inquiries employees can view

You do not want role members to be able change inquiries, but you do want them to be able to view certain inquiries.

After clicking > Setup > Company > Roles and selecting a job role, do the following:

  1. On the General tab, clear the Manage custom reports and inquiries check box.
  2. On the Inquiry tab, use these check boxes for each inquiry as follows:

Check box



When you select this check box, role members can see links from other inquiries to this inquiry. However, they cannot see the inquiry on the Inquiry menu unless you also select the Show on Menu check box.

Show on Menu

When you select this check box, role members can see the inquiry on the Inquiry menu. Ajera automatically selects the Allowed check box as well so they can also access this inquiry from links in other inquiries. 

Example 1

You do not want members of a role to see the Transaction - All or Phase inquiry on the menu. However, you do want them to be able to jump to the them from the Project inquiry. You set up security on the Inquiry tab as follows:


Show on menu




Transaction\Transaction - All







In this case, the Project inquiry appears on the menu and the Transaction – All and the Phase inquiries are available only through a link from the Project inquiry.

Example 2

You want members of the Principals role to have access to the Bank Entry inquiry, but you do not want them to have access to the GL Entry inquiry, even though there is a link to it from the Bank Entry inquiry. You set up security on the Inquiry tab as follows:


Show on menu




Bank Entry


GL Entry

Limiting information for principals-in-charge and project managers  

A quick way to display only relevant information on inquiries for principals-in-charge and project managers is to select the View my projects only check box on the General tab (after clicking > Setup > Company > Roles from the main menu and selecting a role). Role members who are project managers or principals-in-charge can see information pertaining only to their own projects.

Note: In addition, when you select this check box, role members can access only their own projects in the Project Command Center and on the Time by Project tab in > Manage > Time & Expense.