Step 1- Reconcile the Trial Balance


Before beginning monthly reconciliation, first go to > Setup > Company > Preferences > General tab. In the Don’t Allow Entries Prior To field, enter the first day of the month after the month you are reconciling. In this way, changes cannot be made to months you have already reconciled.

The first step to reconciling Ajera is to verify that your overall financials are in balance.

  1. Print the Trial Balance report ( > Reports > Financial > Trial Balance).
Note: Depending on your reporting requirements, print the Trial Balance report for Cash and/or Accrual. The report uses one column for the account balance. Debit balances appear as positive numbers and credit balances as negative.
  1. Review the Report Total. The report is in balance if the report total is zero, which confirms that total debits equal total credits.
  1. If the report is in balance, proceed to Step 2 - Reconcile cash accounts. Otherwise, complete the following instructions.

Trial Balance report out of balance

If your Trial Balance report is out of balance, follow these steps to identify the cause and then correct the problem.

Ensure beginning balances are in balance

  1. Review the Beginning Balance Trial Balance to determine if it is complete and in balance. Click > Setup > Company > Beginning Balances > Trial Balance.
  2. If the Beginning Balance Trial Balance is not in balance, you must correct it. To determine the correct entries, you may need to review it with your CPA.

Determine when out of balance occurred

  1. If you are still out of balance, run the Trial Balance report for prior months to determine the month when it became out of balance.

Click > Reports > Financial > Trial Balance.

Note: If you need to run the report for months not listed in the Month field, click Select Dates and select a Through Date on or before your beginning balance date, which is defined in > Setup > Company > Preferences.
  1. After you determine the month when the out-of-balance situation occurred, run the Trial Balance report incrementally, weekly or daily, for the out-of-balance month until you determine the day when the out-of-balance situation occurred.
Note: If the out-of-balance month is in a prior year, you may need to close the prior year again to correct the out-of-balance situation.

To verify that your prior year is closed, click > Reports > Session Journals. Click (Change View) to select a date range of All. Sort the list by the Task column and find the Company Close Year sessions. If you printed and published your year-end financials, closing the prior year may not be an option, in which case you will need to discuss the situation with your CPA. 

  1. To identify the entries that occurred on that day, run the Ledger report for that day. Click > Reports > Financial > Ledger.
  2. Review the Session Journal reports for each of the entries listed on the Ledger report. Click > Reports > Session Journals.
  3. Review the General Ledger Recap section of each session journal to ensure that the entries are in balance (debits = credits).

If these steps do not resolve the out-of-balance situation, contact Ajera Client Services or your Ajera consultant to discuss having Deltek analyze your data.