Setting up project security

Selecting a check box on the Project tab establishes which employees can access the Project Command Center (PCC) and which tasks they can perform within it.

You can set the level of access that the role has for specific tabs, sub tabs, and fields in the PCC. The options you select also determine which columns and fields appear when you click Customize in the PCC.

For example, you may want to specify that members of the Project Managers role can select to display the billing rate and contract amount, but not the cost rate or cost when working on the Project Command Center > Manage tab. 

To set up project security

  1. From the > Setup menu, click Company > Roles.
  2. Select an existing role and click Edit, or create a new one by clicking New.
  3. Click the Projects tab.
  4. Check the following options to enable the specific project-related functionality in the PCC:
    • Project command center - Allow members of this role to access the PCC. When you select this check box, the other options on the window are available for you to select areas of the PCC that you want to be available to employees in the role.
    • Create new project - Allow this role to create new projects.

    • Create new templates - Allow this role to create new project templates.
    • Allow changes to my projects only - Appears only if the View my projects only check box on the General tab is cleared. Allow this role (whether for principals, project managers, or marketing staff) to make changes only to their own projects.

Note: When this option is selected, it takes precedence over role-based security if an employee has multiple roles assigned.
  1. Click the Project Info tab to determine what sub tabs appear on the Project Command Center > Project Info tab. You can enable the General, Business Development, Billing, Revenue, Invoice, Contacts, Beginning Balance, Attachments, and Notes tabs. For each tab, choose one of the following drop-down Options:
    • Hide - Do not allow this role to see the tab or its fields.
    • Never allow changes - Allow this role to see the tab and its corresponding fields but not make changes. You can change the access option for individual fields.

    • Allow changes until budget is final - unavailable in ajeraCore Allow this role to make changes on the tab and its corresponding fields only until the budget is final (the Final budget check box is selected on the Manage tab). You can change the access option for individual fields.

    • Allow changes - Allow this role to make changes to the tab and its corresponding fields even after the budget is final. You can change access options for individual fields to Never allow changes or Allow changes until budget is final.
  2. The Permissions subtab allows changes to that project's work breakdown structure, resources, and tasks, and to allow entering when a budget is final. Set additional security for the resource and tasks rows for each individual project in the Project Command Center > Project Info tab > Permissions subtab.

When you set access for the Permissions subtab, you are only determining who can access that subtab. For example, when setting security for project managers, and your company policy is to allow them to determine when a project's work breakdown structure, resources, and tasks can be changed, select the Allow changes option for the Permissions subtab.

  1. Click the Project List tab to allow access to specific categories of information on the Project Command Center > Project List tab. Click to select or clear the Allow check box for an individual column, as needed.
  1. Click the Phase Info tab to allow access to specific categories of information on the Project Command Center > Phase Info tab. Click to select or clear the Allow check box for an individual column, as needed.
  2. Click the Manage tab to determine what columns of information are accessible on the Project Command Center > Manage tab. The security options you set here determine if you can access projects and phases, and which columns you can view and change on the Manage tab.

The Manage tab also contains the Final Budget check box, where employees can make a budget final. When a budget is final, employees can no longer change amounts in the budget; however, if you set security here to allow employees to make changes on the Manage tab, then they can also make changes to a resource or task, even if the contract budget is final.

Click to select or clear the Allow check box for an individual column, as needed. For each tab, you can also choose one of the following drop-down Options:

  • Hide - Do not allow this role to see the columns for this category.
  • Never allow changes - Allow this role to see the columns in this category but not make changes. You can change the access option for individual columns.
  • Allow changes until budget is final - unavailable in ajeraCore Allow this role to make changes to the columns in this category only until the budget is final (the Final budget check box is selected on the Manage tab). You can change the access option for individual columns.
  • Allow changes - Allow this role to make changes to the columns for this category even after the budget is final. You can change access options for individual columns to Never allow changes or Allow changes until budget is final.
  1. unavailable in ajeraCore -
    Click the Invoices tab to allow access to the Project Command Center > Invoices tab. Check the Show Invoices tab box to allow role members to view the PCC Invoices inquiry on the Invoices tab. They can use this inquiry to review, preview, and track client invoices in the PCC during the billing review process.

Note: The PCC Invoices inquiry is only available from the PCC.

  1. Click Save.
  2. You can use the buttons at the lower left of the window to page through this information for other roles.