Schedule Manager window

unavailable in ajeraCore


Projects tab

Icon Description

Opens the Team Builder window

Click to add an employee to the phase you want.

Indicates that an employee not assigned to a project has entered time to it

Click to add the employee to the project where that person appears.


Projects tab and Employees tab

Click (Customize) and select an optional column in the Projects - Customize or Employees - Customize window.

Column Description


The name of the project (and its ID) or the name of the phase or resource type

Employee Type

Employees tab only - The type for the employee who is assigned to the phase as a labor resource

Current week

The actual and scheduled hours for the current week


Hours budget

The number of hours budgeted

This field references the Hours/Units column on the Manage tab of the Project Command Center.

Hours actual

The actual number of hours spent to date for the project (on the Projects tab) and for the weeks displayed for the employee (on the Employees tab)

This field references the project's timesheets.

Hours remaining

The number of budgeted hours remaining:

Hours Budget - Hours Actual

Scheduled hours

The number of hours in the future scheduled in Schedule Manager

Available hours

The number of unscheduled hours remaining:

Hours Budget - (Hours Actual + Scheduled Hours)

Labor contract

The amount contracted to bill the client for labor expenses

Spent labor

The amount of labor expended on the project to date at the billing rates/markups

Ajera determines the spent labor amount from the billing rate table.

Spent remaining

The labor contract amount remaining:

Labor Contract - Spent Labor

Scheduled dollars

The amount scheduled to date in Schedule Manager

Ajera calculates the amount by multiplying the scheduled hours by the billing rate.

Available dollars

The amount of unscheduled dollars remaining:

Labor Contract - (Spent Labor + Scheduled Dollars)

Past weeks

The number of weeks in the past to display in Schedule Manager for reference, from 0 to 4 weeks

This number helps determine which phases appear on the Employees tab.

Future weeks

The number of weeks to display in Schedule Manager for scheduling purposes, from 1 to 104 weeks

This number helps determine which phases appear on the Employees tab.


Click (Customize) and select a filter in the Projects - Customize or Employees - Customize window.

Projects tab

Filter Description


The department associated with a project

Project Manager

The project manager associated with a project

Employees tab

Filter Description


The department associated with an employee

Employee Type

The type of work to be scheduled


The supervisor of an employee



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