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Creating report views

About restricting changes to report views

If an employee has access to a report, that employee can access and edit any report views associated with the report.

To restrict an employee from changing a report view, the Administrator can allow an employee access to only the report view and not to the associated report. Access for reports and report views is set on the Reports tab of the Role window for the appropriate role.

To create report views

  1. From the report that you want to produce, click (Customize).
  2. Click the Views button. A Views window appears listing any views that were already created for this report.
  3. Click the New button.
  4. Type a name for the view. Do not include special characters, such as \ / ? > < :". , in the name. 

This name appears on the Reports menu.

  1. Change the options for the report, as needed.
  2. Click OK.
  3. Click Close. The report view appears on the Reports menu for you and other members of your role.

If you want any other employees to have access to the report view, the Administrator must provide access to the appropriate role by using the Reports tab of the Role window.



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