Client window

General tab

Address tab

Contacts tab

Attachments tab

Notes tab

General tab




The name of the client

Client type

The type of client

Date established

The date you started doing business with the client


Multi-company only. To link this client to a specific company in your organization, select the company. Ajera automatically selects the company in tasks involving the client to save you time. Otherwise, leave this field blank.

Last invoice number

If you selected to automatically number your invoices by client when setting up billing preferences, the Last Invoice Number field appears.

Enter the number you want to use as the starting point for numbering invoices. For example, enter 999 to start printing invoices with a number of 1000. If blank, the first invoice has a number of 1. 


If you enter characters in your invoice number, Ajera only increments the numbers following the last character. When it reaches a limit, it resets the numbers to zero.

For example, 2004-00 is incremented up to 2004-99, and then restarted at 2004-00. If you expect to need more than 99 invoices, you would increase the number of digits in last section of the number.

Send statement

When selected, it automatically includes this client when printing statements.

Create finance charges

Only appears if you set up finance charges on the > Setup > Company > Preferences > Billing tab

If you do not want to create finance changes on any of the client's outstanding balances, clear this check box. Otherwise, you are able to create finance charges for this client by using the > Manage > Finance Charges menu.

Annual percentage rate

Only appears if you set up finance charges on the > Setup > Company > Preferences > Billing tab

If you selected the Create finance charges check box, enter the percentage rate you want to charge this client if different from the general rate you set up on the > Setup > Company > Preferences > Billing tab.

Prepayment beginning balance

The beginning balance of any prepayments made by the client. This field does not appear if you are finished working with beginning balances.

Multi-company only. If you use multi-company, you can enter a prepayment in this field. Before you can apply the prepayment, you must first associate it with a project. To do this, see Associate a prepayment with a project in Entering beginning balance for client prepayments.

Account ID

Account number associated with this client

Phone numbers

As many as three phone numbers for the client in the fields on the left. The field to the right of a phone number contains a description of the number.


A fax number for the client and any description to the right of it


An email address for the client


The client's website address

Address tab




The client's main address. In the first three lines, enter the street address, suite number, and so on.

City, State, Zip Country

The city, state, zip code, and country

Mailing address

The mailing address if it is different from the main address

Same as address

When selected, it indicates the mailing address is the same as the main address,

Contacts tab




The contact name


In the Notes field to the right of each contact name, type a description or any notes about the contact.

Attachments tab




The category of the attachment

An attachment category is a group of files with similar characteristics (for example, RFPs). You can set up categories if your security settings give you access to them.


The name of the attachment


The date and time when the attachment was made

Notes tab

This tab contains any notes about the client.



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