You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > client invoices > changes > Changing a client invoice

Changing a client invoice


Effective cost on the billing rate table - do not change a salaried employee transaction on a client invoice until after you run payroll. Otherwise,when you run payroll, Ajera recalculates the billing rate and overrides the changes to the client invoice.

Prevailing wages - If you are using prevailing wage rate tables and change project time on the client invoice, you must recalculate time before running payroll. If you have already run payroll, you cannot change project time (using prevailing wage rate tables) on client invoices.

To change a client invoice

  1. Open the client invoice you want to change.
  2. Change the invoice number, status, and dates, as needed.
  3. Different tabs appear on the Client Invoice window depending on the billing type. An invoice may have several distributions all with the same billing type or some with different billing types.

Change information on these tabs, as applicable:



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