Deltek Vantagepoint 6.5.7 (Build Release Notes
Release Date: March 15, 2024
Last Updated: March 20, 2024

Welcome to the Deltek Vantagepoint 6.5.7 Release Notes, which describe the new features and enhancements introduced in this release.

These release notes address all of the modules associated with Deltek Vantagepoint 6.5, some of which your firm may not use. Skip the sections that do not apply to your implementation of Deltek Vantagepoint.

Software Issues Resolved

Software Issues Resolved

Asset Management

Defect 2033167: In the desktop application, no asset item was created when you processed the purchase order record in Transaction Center » Create Voucher from PO.

This issue occurred when you set the following options in the desktop application:

Cash Management >> Credit Card Reconciliation

Defect 2028320: This issue occurred when you, on the Charges tab of the Credit Card Reconciliation form, created a cash-basis journal entry for multiple charges that were charged to different secondary accounts. Vantagepoint grouped all expenses in one journal entry file instead of creating separate transaction records for each charge. This issue occurred even if you set the Use Files to Group Transactions option to No in Settings »  Accounting » Transactions.

Hubs >> Projects >> Project and Billing >> Interactive Billing

Defect 2094114: This issue occurred if you have more than 1,000 projects. You experienced slowness in the Projects hub and Interactive Billing when you ran resource planning reports or some project reports for which you set the Budget Source option to Project Planning Budget on the report's Options tab.

Hubs >> Projects >> Contract Management

Defect 2095047: You were able to save a contract record even if the values in the Total Contract field in the Contract Management grid and the Contract Details grid on the Contract tab did not match.

Hubs >> Projects >> Invoices

Defect 2029438: When you added a retainer to Billing Terms on a subproject in a billing group, the retainer incorrectly did not show as unapplied on the Invoices form.

Defect 2093001: On the Invoices form, you received an error message when you made an entry in the Find Invoices field.

Hubs >> Projects >> Plan

Defect 2071602: This issue occurred on the Plans form when you used Reassign to move planned hours with a quarter hour value from one resource to another. Planned Hours rounded the hours value based on the quantity decimals digit and you received a maximum allowed value validation error.

Defect 2095154: When you displayed cost amounts in the grid on the Labor tab, the amount in the Baseline Cost column incorrectly showed the planned cost, instead of the sum of the baseline costs in the planning calendar in the grid.


Defect 2092551: When the default language for your device was set to unsupported languages such as Japanese or Chinese, Mobile CRM or Mobile Time and Expense kept loading after you entered your PIN code.

Mobile >> Mobile Time and Expense

Defect 2091510: When your device used iOS version 17.2 and above, you were unable to view receipts attached to expense reports.

My Stuff >> Approval Center

Defect 2077904: When you added a new record to a timesheet and approved it in My Stuff » Timesheet, the timesheet was subsequently unavailable for posting in Transaction Center » Time and Expense Posting » Timesheets.

My Stuff >> Dashboard

Defect 2088779: When you selected a user-defined date type in a chart dashpart, you received this error message: “No CreateDate 1.”

My Stuff >> Reporting

Defect 2075173: Even when you defined company levels in Settings » Organization » General in the desktop application, the company or organization levels were unavailable in Reporting in the browser application.

This issue occurred when you did the following:

  1. In the Navigation pane, you selected My Stuff » Reporting.

  2. On the Reports tab, you selected the Employee Sales Credit report.

  3. On the Employee Sales Credit report, you selected these options:

Not all defined company or organization levels for the project were listed on the Selected Groupings dialog box.


Defect 2100234: You encountered slowness in Vantagepoint applications with approval workflows and the approval timeline displayed.

Proposals >> Custom Proposals

Defect 2082078: The Created By field in the custom proposals grid incorrectly displayed an internal ID instead of the employee's name.

Screen Designer in Hubs

Defect 2086251: This issue occurred when you opened Screen Designer in a hub. On the Screen Designer form, when you selected a field and then, in the Fields Properties pane, clicked in the Field Security field, you experienced slowness in Screen Designer.

Settings >> Security >> Roles

Defect 1898512: If you used the Access Rights tab of the Roles form to give a role Grid Views access for a user-defined hub, the application stopped functioning and you received a "Please Wait" message.

Transaction Center >> AP Invoice Approvals

Defect 2078189: This issue occurred when you suspended AP invoice approvals and then updated the Approval Workflow for AP invoice approvals (Settings » Workflow » Approval Workflow in the desktop application). The suspended AP invoice approvals were not restarted at the first step of the approval workflow and could not be resumed. 

Transaction Center >> Transaction Entry >> Invoices

Defect 2063974: This issue occurred when you added a new invoice to an invoice file that is associated with a project that has a credit memo. When you clicked +New Invoice, an empty white page was displayed instead of the editable Invoice form.

Utilities >> Periods >> Period Setup

Defect 2092737: The following fields displayed incorrect dates (one day before) when compared to the specified dates during Vantagepoint activation:

Vantagepoint Connect

These Connect defects have been fixed and apply to all previous versions of Vantagepoint that support Connect (you do not need to update Vantagepoint to this MR to get these updates).

25 January 2023 Software Issues Resolved

16 February 2023 Software Issues Resolved

31 March 2023 Software Issues Resolved

25 April 2023 Software Issues Resolved

12 July 2023 Software Issues Resolved

20 July 2023 Software Issues Resolved


1 August 2023 Software Issues Resolved

15 March 2024 Software Enhancements 


Adaptive Sync Session Interval Calculation: This new feature provides a recurrent background two-way data exchange between your email account (on an MS Exchange, Office 365, or Gmail server) and Vantagepoint. The sync sessions are automatic and provide data mirroring between your email/calendar items and ttheir matching Vantagepoint objects. The synchronization uses an adaptive technology that determines the frequency of occurrence, depending on your work practices and how often you are actively changing data.   


15 March 2024 Software Issues Resolved


VNTGPNT-1854: OAuth impersonation is now supported. The maximum security 0365 OAuth 2.0 is now used as the only method for Exchange Impersonation service accounts data access authorizing for Office 365 mailboxes. All existing customers who use such impersonation accounts must re-authorize access using 0365 OAuth. This switch is required because the former impersonated access authorization method with login and password credentials entry was disabled by Microsoft in 2021. Please refer to for more details. 

VNTGPNT-1957: The Connect Add-In reloaded when there was a failure of office js. After reloading, the following warning displayed: Add-In was reloaded due to fail of Microsoft service.

VNTGPNT-2025: In Vantagepoint, the Filestream File Size can be set to a maximum of 50MB but in the Connect Add-In, current product logic limited the maximum size of the attachment to 5MB. When synchronizing with the Connect Add-In, a Service Attachment MaxSize warning displayed. Deltek requested the ability to control the logic for the Vantagepoint Connect Add-In so the file size can be set to a maximum of 50MB.

VNTGPNT-1837: In the Connect Add-In, when you selected an email that included employees, and then selected the employee card and clicked Employee Details, the Cost Method field was displayed and required. When employee details were then edited, an error occurred because the Cost Method field should not have been displayed because it is not available in the Vantagepoint application. There were also Accounting fields that displayed as available that should have been disabled.

VNTGPNT-1915: In the Connect Add-In, if you selected an email that had contacts with associated projects, and you clicked the Project Details button, the Project Details dialog displayed Accounting fields even though Accounting fields should not display on the Project Details screen.

VNTGPNT-1954: In the Connect Add-In, when a new contact was created and a firm was specified, the State for the contact firm’s address was incorrect and did not match the State that was specified in the Vantagepoint application.

VNTGPNT-1971: An Http Status Code was BadRequest but Expected Created issue occurred due to incorrect processing of the Project ID during synchronization.

VNTGPNT-2006: In Utilities » Integration » Connect, an undefined error displayed when you clicked the Export to CSV option on the Platform Settings » Sync Issues menu and on the Administration » Profiles » Sync Issues tab.

VNTGPNT-2015: In the Connect Add-In, when you created a new contact record, you were incorrectly required to associate a Firm/Client.

VNTGPNT-2023: In the Connect Add-In, some recurrent events were losing the Vantagepoint categories after being synchronized, even though the corresponding recurring events were still present in the Vantagepoint application.

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