Database Changes from Deltek Vantagepoint 4.0


Database Changes
New Tables
Removed Tables
Renamed Tables
New Columns Added to Existing Tables
Changes to Existing Columns
Removed Columns
Renamed Columns
New Objects
Removed Objects
Renamed Objects

Database Changes

This section lists the database table and column changes included in this release.

Deltek creates the Data Dictionary using a live connection to the development database. Tables and columns related to features in a future release may appear in the data dictionary without descriptions, or with the phrase reserved for future use. You may also see tables and columns for features that you have not purchased or enabled.

New Tables

Table Name

Removed Tables

Table Name

Renamed Tables

Table Name

New Columns Added to Existing Tables

Table Name

Column Name

Data Type

CFGIntegrationWS EnablePIMOpportunities (4.0.1) nvarchar(1)NOT NULL
CFGInitializationSetup InitRefreshPIMInitDate (4.0.2) datetime
CFGInitializationSetup InitRefreshPIMInitStatus (4.0.2) nvarchar(100)
FW_CFGSysConfig HMRCUniqueID (4.0.2) uniqueidentifier NOT NULL
CFGDeltekOperations VisionUpgrade (4.0.4) varchar(1) NOT NULL
CFGDeltekOperations VisionUpgradeDate (4.0.4) datetime
GLSummary CBCreditAmount (4.0.4) decimal(19,4) NOT NULL
GLSummary CBDebitAmount (4.0.4) decimal(19,4) NOT NULL
GLSummary CreditAmount (4.0.4) decimal(19,4) NOT NULL
GLSummary DebitAmount (4.0.4) decimal(19,4) NOT NULL
GLSummary TransType (4.0.4) nvarchar(2) NOT NULL
SE DeltekInternal (4.0.4) varchar(1) NOT NULL
SE DeltekInternalInfo (4.0.4) varchar(64)
billInvMaster VoidID (4.0.5) int
ContractDetails ContractDetailsID (4.0.5) bigint NOT NULL
ContractDetailsTemplate ContractDetailsTemplateID (4.0.5) bigint NOT NULL
Contracts ContractsID (4.0.5) bigint NOT NULL
ContractsTemplate ContractsTemplateID (4.0.5) bigint NOT NULL
InvoiceVoid CreditMemoRefNo (4.0.5) nvarchar(12)
InvoiceVoid VoidID (4.0.5) int NOT NULL
Form1099Data FishPurchasedForResale (4.0.10) decimal(19,4) NOT NULL

Changes to Existing Columns

Table Name

Column Name

New DataType

Old DataType

ADPExport BatchID (4.0.5) nvarchar(11) nvarchar(10)
ADPExport CompanyCode (4.0.5) nvarchar(8) nvarchar(7)
CFGMainData ADPDefaultCompanyCode (4.0.5) nvarchar(8) nvarchar(7)
EMCompany ADPCompanyCode (4.0.5) nvarchar(8) nvarchar(7)
FW_CustomColumnsData DataType (4.0.5) nvarchar(32) varchar(32)
Organization ADPCompanyCode (4.0.5) nvarchar(8) nvarchar(7)
SavedReportsMain Type (4.0.9) nvarchar(255) NOT NULL nvarchar(80) NOT NULL

Removed Columns

Table Name

Column Name

Data Type

CFGIntegrationWS EnablePIMOpportunities (4.0.2) varchar(1) NOT NULL
CFGScreenDesignerLabels TabID (4.0.4) nvarchar(125) NOT NULL
ClientCustomTabFields Vendor (4.0.4) nvarchar(20)
VendorCustomTabFields Vendor (4.0.4) nvarchar(20)

Renamed Columns

Column Name New Column Name Old Column Name

New Objects

Object Name

Object Type

ApprovalItemApplicationIDApprovalLevelItemParentIDX (4.0.1) Index
ApprovalItemApplicationIDApprovalLevelItemTypeIDX (4.0.1) Index
ApprovalItemAssignUSR_IDIDX (4.0.1) Index
CFGScreenDesignerDataInfocenterAreaComponentIDIDX (4.0.1) Index
CFGScreenDesignerDataInfocenterAreaGridIDIDX (4.0.1) Index
CFGScreenDesignerLabelsInfoCenterAreaGridIDIDX (4.0.1) Index
InvoiceApproverEmployeeIDX (4.0.1) Index
PNTaskTaskIDIDX (4.0.1) Index
POCommitmentWBSIDX (4.0.1) Index
PODetailCOPKeyIDX (4.0.1) Index
PRSubLevelIDX (4.0.1) Index
SERoleIDX (4.0.1) Index
tkMasterSubmittedIDX (4.0.1) Index
UNUnitNameUnitUnitTableIDX (4.0.1) Index
WorkflowActionsActionTypeActiveIDX (4.0.1) Index
WorkflowActionsEventIDActionTypeIDX (4.0.1) Index
WorkflowActionsEventIDActiveIDX (4.0.1) Index
WorkflowConditionsIDIDX (4.0.1) Index
ClearCustomFKColumns (4.0.3) Stored Procedure
ContractDetailsWBS1WBS2WBS3ContractNumberIDX (4.0.5) Index
ContractDetailsTemplateWBS1WBS2WBS3ContractNumberIDX (4.0.5) Index
ContractsWBS1ContractNumberIDX (4.0.5) Index
ContractsTemplateWBS1ContractNumberIDX (4.0.5) Index
DLTK$NumWorkingDaysFlrCheck (4.0.9) Function

Removed Objects

Object Name Object Type
ApprovalItemApplicationIDApprovalLevelIDX (4.0.1) Index
DeleteFirm (4.0.3) Stored Procedure
stRPConvertOppUDIC2PR (4.0.4) Stored Procedure

Renamed Objects

Object Name