Deltek Vantagepoint 4.0.7 (Build Release Notes Last Updated: September 22, 2021
Release Date: September 22, 2021
Welcome to the Deltek Vantagepoint 4.0.7 Release Notes, which describe the new features and enhancements introduced in this release.
These release notes address all of the modules associated with Deltek Vantagepoint 3.0, some of which your firm may not use. Skip the sections that do not apply to your implementation of Deltek Vantagepoint.
Allow Customers to Deprovision Connect
Vantagepoint Connect Administration (Utilities » Integrations » Connect Administration) now includes a Delete All Connect Configuration action that allows you to delete all Connect configuration, including the settings for all Connect users. This is useful when you need to delete Connect configuration and start over; for example, when the initial Connect configuration failed or you tested Connect in a sandbox environment and now need to configure it in a production environment.
When you use the Delete All Connect Configuration action, you receive a warning message that prompts you to confirm the deletion.
Update to Named User Indicators for Resource Planning and CRM Modules
Previously, users to whom you gave access to one or more of the following applications were counted against your number of available named user licenses for the Resource Planning module, even if they had no other Resource Planning access:
Project Forecast report
Estimated Fee tab of the Contract Management form
Pipeline dashpart
In addition, access to the Estimates form in the Projects hub counted against your number of available named user licenses for the CRM module.
Now these items no longer contain named user indicators. You can now give a user access to one or more of them without consuming one of your named user licenses for Resource Planning or CRM, as long as that user does not also have access to any other named user indicators for those modules.
Upgrade Touch Server to PHP 7.4.23
The Touch Server for this version of the Vantagepoint mobile application has been upgraded to support PHP 7.4.23.
Defect 1510216: This issue occurred if your firm configured the following forms for accruals:
An accrual schedule for earned vacation hours and other benefit hours in Settings » Accounting » Accrual Schedules
Carry over limits for accrual codes in Settings » Accounting » Absence Accruals
When you opened a new absence accrual year in Utilities » Periods » Absence Year, the accrual schedule settings and carry over limits for accrual codes were not applied.
Defect 1473616: This issue occurred when you selected a project, phase, or task that did not belong to the active company in any of the following areas:
In the Credit Project, Credit Phase, or Credit Task fields on the Add Unit dialog box (Settings » Accounting » Units)
In the Project, Phase, or Task fields in the Project Information grid of the Units form (Transaction Center » Transaction Entry » Units)
When you ran a draft or final intercompany billing process, you received an error message.
Defect 1507372: In Asset Management » Depreciation Processing in the desktop application, when you clicked the magnifying glass icon in the Select Specific Asset field and then clicked Select All on the Equipment Lookup dialog box, Vantagepoint incorrectly selected all assets for all companies instead of assets for only the current (active) company.
Defect 1505677: This issue occurred on the Employee Realization Allocation dialog box when you did not select to display the Employee Specific Unit Realization column. When you modified the amount in the Labor Realization field, Vantagepoint did not close the dialog box even after you clicked Save.
Defect 1498332: Invoices were missing from the Invoice Register report because the transaction date incorrectly included the timestamp.
Defect 1507382: When you printed an invoice in Interactive Billing, the file displayed the invoice date and due date in different date formats.
Defect 1508677: On the Invoice Accept dialog box, when you tried to add a new project detail row in the grid, the task that was entered in the Task column in the row above the new row was removed and you could not select a task for the new row.
Defect 1519219: When you retrieved a project with many invoice history records, the Interactive Billing form took a long time to display.
Defect 1495072: In some cases, when you imported payment bank transactions for bank reconciliation, some payments for which checks existed were not marked as Matched on the Import tab, even if the imported transactions satisfied the matching rules.
Defect 1502063: On the Import tab, imported transactions that were dated 15 days before or after the imported and posted transactions did not display in the Suggested grid.
Defect 1506206: When you clicked ? on the Match Transactions dialog box, the error message "404 - File or directory not found" was displayed instead of the online help content for the dialog box.
Defect 1506757: Credit card charges that you posted with expense reports incorrectly displayed as zero in the Posted Amount field on the Charges tab of the Credit Card Reconciliation form.
Defect 1497818: If your security role had access to only Vendor Payment transaction types rather than all types and you tried to open a posting log for a vendor wire payment, you received the following error message: "You don’t have access to vendor wire type transactions."
Defect 1495737: When you selected the Select All option on the Select Vouchers to Pay dialog box, only vouchers with Pay Terms of Next were selected.
Now, Select All also selects vouchers with Pay Terms of PWP or Date (if the specified date is on or before today's date). In addition, when you manually select a voucher, the Pay Terms are not changed to Next unless the Pay Terms were Hold, or Date with a future date specified.
Defect 1506810: When you ran a Contact List report, some contacts displayed without an associated firm even though the Firm field was populated in the contact record.
Defect 1497403: When you set AR Options to Specific Date in the Accounts Receivable grid in Firms » AR Review, you received the following error message: "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime."
Defect 1497721: This issue occurred on the AR Review form when a firm had a large number of invoices in their record. When you set the Aged AR option to All, there was a significant delay in displaying all the invoices in the Accounts Receivable grid.
Defect 1498258: When you displayed the Marketing Campaigns form in List View and then tried to sort the records by a user-defined column, you received an "Ambiguous column name" error message.
Defect 1489207: When you copied billing terms from a specific project, you received the following error message: "Field Overtime - 2 may not be changed."
Defect 1506871: In the Notes field on the Summary pane of the Billing Terms form, when you clicked the Add a Link icon, added a URL, and then saved it, if you returned to the note and edited it, the URL no longer worked.
Defect 1509241: The following issues occurred on the Fees tab in Billing Terms when a project's fee method on the Fees tab was set to Percent Complete by Phase, as Fixed Amount:
When you changed the phase in the Fee Billing Phases grid, it appeared to be saved, but it was not.
When you tried to change the percent complete for a phase in the Fee Billing Phases grid, you received the following error message: "The value for Percent Complete cannot be less than -99999999.9999."
Defect 1509523: If a billing client's primary address (specified on the Overview tab in the Firms hub) contained a tax country, you were unable to select a tax code in Billing Terms for a project to which the billing client was assigned.
Defect 1490150: When you changed the contract number for a contract with Include in Fees selected, and for which the contract amount was properly distributed to lowest-level work breakdown structure (WBS) elements in the Contract Details grid, you incorrectly received an error message indicating that the change could not be saved because the contract amount was not fully distributed. This issue only occurred if the WBS in the Contract Details grid was not expanded when you changed the contract number. If the WBS was expanded to display lower levels of the WBS, the change was saved correctly.
Defect 1498644: When you entered a comment for a draft invoice on the Invoice Preview tab of the Draft Invoice Approvals form and then navigated to another tab on the form, the comment was not saved as it should have been.
Defect 1474055: This issue occurred on the Edit Project Structure form when you had projects with lower levels defined in the work breakdown structure (WBS). In the Organization column, when you selected an organization at the project level (WBS1) and then copied and pasted it to the lower WBS levels in quick succession, Vantagepoint displayed the spinning wheel and the form became unresponsive.
Defect 1502885: If the Stage field was locked for your security role and you created a new project by copying an existing project, the Capacity Calculation field was set to an invalid value in some cases.
Defect 1502893: In some cases, if user-initiated workflows were triggered when you saved a new project that you created manually, you received this error message: "Cannot resolve the collation conflict."
Defect 1502026: When you scrolled to the bottom of the grid to display more records and then approved those records, the newly approved records were not removed from the grid.
Defect 1495684: This issue occurred for dashparts with the project dashpart base with the following settings:
A presentation currency is applied to the dashpart.
The Contract Total Compensation column is included in the dashpart.
The currency code in the Contract Total Compensation column displayed the correct presentation currency code, but the displayed value was not converted based on the presentation currency.
Defect 1500575: This issue occurred when a date column was grouped in a chart dashpart. The chart dashpart displayed the "NaN" label for all points on the Y axis.
Defect 1501958: When you created an expense line and matched it to an existing credit card charge, the expense line and credit card charge were not combined. The credit card charge was added as a new expense line in the expense report.
Defect 1315814: If you tried to access a saved search to which your user role did not have access, the new search dialog box did not display and you received the following error message: "You do not have access."
Defect 1426190: When you added the Allocation Method column on the Project Detail report and then generated the report, you received the following error message: "An error has occurred during report processing."
Defect 1478130: When you set the Timeframe option to Job-to-Date and generated the Expense Detail report, the heading of the report did not display the selected timeframe.
Defect 1495539: When you changed the account number of an accepted invoice in the Transaction Center, the AR Ledger and Invoice Register reports printed the invoice as two lines.
Defect 1496405: When you selected a Category and Type for an imported item on the Asset Item Export report, the selected category and type were not included in the generated report.
Defect 1497801: You were unable to run the Employee Labor Audit report unless you set the Transaction Type option to Include All.
Defect 1500463: In the desktop application, when you selected a specific role to update (for example, Legacy) and removed a favorite report from the selected Legacy Report Type, the removed report was still displayed in the Favorites list of the browser application.
Defect 1500720: The Project Earnings report displayed the currency symbol incorrectly for columns at Billing when cost amounts were reported in the functional currency and billing amounts were reported in the billing currency. In this situation, the functional currency code was displayed instead of the billing currency code.
Defect 1502831: When you generated a preview of an AR Statement report, the report date was included. But when you exported the report to PDF, PPT, or TIFF format, the report date was not included.
Defect 1503031: When you added a Custom Amount column to the Balance Sheet report, if you added a Period Start value for the custom amount and then removed it, you received an error message when you tried to run the report.
Defect 1506216: This issue occurred when user-defined fields were applied to your role's record access rights to the Employees hub in Settings » Security » Roles. When you ran the Time Analysis report in My Stuff » Reporting, you received the following error message: "An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Query execution failed for dataset 'ReportDataset'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) For more information about this error, navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors."
Defect 1507453: This issue occurred if a lookup with the same parameter name was added to different reports on the Report Custom Options form (in Settings » General » Custom Report Options in the desktop application). When the custom lookup was used in the affected report, the custom lookup displayed extra lookup values from the other custom lookup with the same parameter name (for the other report).
Defect 1510122: When you selected a consolidation group in the Consolidation Group field on the Options tab, the columns for that group were displayed in the Columns grid of the Columns & Groups tab. However, if you generated the report, the columns were not included in the report.
Defect 1515674: When you set the default Unit of Measure to Millimeters, the column width of the Employee Summary report automatically changed to a large value after you edited and saved the report.
Defect 1393192: When you entered timesheet entries, timesheet comments disappeared when you clicked outside the Comment text field and then returned to modify the comments again. This issue occurred when you opened Vantagepoint using the Google Chrome browser.
Defect 1444553: The Ratios tab on the Employee Card dialog box displayed the percentages with 4 decimal places instead of 2.
Defect 1504063: When you tried to submit a timesheet, the spinner that displayed on the screen to indicate that it was processing continued to display and the timesheet was not submitted.
Defect 1507368: This issue occurred if you set the Enable Start/End Time option to Yes in Time Settings. When you entered hours for projects in a timesheet, you received an "Overlapping time for" error message.
Defect 1507415: This issue applies if your Timesheet Administration Level was set to Group on the Time & Expense tab in the Employees hub. When you used the My Timesheets search filter on the Timesheets form or the Time Period field on the Floor Check dialog box, you were able to display time periods that were set for employees in the system administrative level in Settings » Time » Time Periods.
Defect 1381284: If you tried to access a saved search to which your user role did not have access, the new search dialog box did not display and you received the following error message: "You do not have access."
Defect 1501351: On the Regular Labor tab of Settings » Accounting » Intercompany Billing in the desktop application, when you entered a value with more than 2 decimal places in the Multiplier field, only 2 decimal places were saved. You can enter up to 4 decimal places in this field.
Defect 1497309: On the Options form, when you set the Use Invoice Approvals option to Yes, you were unable to make a selection in the Default Invoice Approval Process field.
Defect 1504025: When the number that you entered in the Tax Registration Number field contained spaces, you received the following error message: "Spaces are not permitted."
Defect 1506766: When you added an account range to account table records, you received the following error message: "Please review values on the Detail Groups tab. Group Table is required. Detail Group Name is required."
Defect 1440672: When you added a new entry to the State/Province list, you received the following error message: "Field ISOCountryCode is required." This issue occurred if you scrolled down the Field List grid, rather than using the Lists field, to search for the State/Province field name and open the State/Province Settings dialog box.
Defect 1498517: This defect applies for customers who upgraded from Vision to Vantagepoint. After the export of opportunity records, the activity subjects from Vision did not appear on the Project Milestone Settings dialog box (Settings » Labels and Lists » Lists) in Vantagepoint. This issue occurred if:
You specified that the activity subjects can be used for the Milestone activity type.
The opportunity record was linked to a project.
Defect 1463086: When you created a workflow with the Create Activity action and saved, the Primary Firm and Primary Firm Contact fields populated with data, even though no information was entered in these fields. In addition, the fields continued to populate with data even when you removed them from the editing screen.
Defect 1501988: This issue occurred when you changed the Allow Timesheets and Timesheet Lines to be on Different Steps of the Workflow at the Same Time option for a timesheet approval workflow on the General tab of the Approvals Configuration form (in Settings » Workflow » Approval Workflow in the desktop application). Timesheet records that were already submitted were not restarted based on the approval workflow process. The timesheet records retained the approval workflow status that they had before the option was changed.
Defect 1500996: When an employee submitted a timesheet and an approver approved some of the steps, and then the workflow settings were modified on the Approvals Configuration form (in the desktop application), the record did not go back to the first step of the workflow. This issue occurred when:
You set up a sequential workflow and did not select the Allow Timesheets and Timesheet Lines to be on Different Steps of the Workflow at the Same Time option for it.
The first step in the workflow was line approval.
Defect 1506382: This issue occurred when you added a new workflow, entered a condition, saved the record, and then clicked the Refresh button. If you selected Expression as the condition option, the new condition did not display in the Scheduled Workflow grid.
Defect 1499646: This issue occurred on the User Initiated Workflows form when you added a new workflow and then set the Workflow Table field to a user-defined tab. When you moved the new row to arrange the sequence in the Workflows grid, the user-defined tab was changed to a different workflow table.
Defect 1517870: The AP Invoice Approvals form took a long time to display. This issue occurred if:
The database has a large number of employee records.
Your role is configured with Assignments Only in the Access column for the AP Invoice Approvals application in the Approval Workflow Record Access grid of the Record Access tab of the Roles form (Settings » Security » Roles).
Defect 1504248: When you added the CFGPOCATEGORY.CATEGORY condition in the AP Invoice approval workflow and submitted an AP Invoice, you received the following error message: "The multi-part identifier "CFGPOCATEGORY.CATEGORY" could not be bound."
Defect 1505085: The Select All option did not work on the Timesheet tab or Expense Report tab in Transaction Center » Time and Expense Posting.
Defect 1502016: When you paged through the transaction records in a file and then viewed the previous record, Vantagepoint displayed a blank record. This issue occurred when you did the following:
You created a transaction file and added a few records in the file.
You changed the details of the first transaction record and then changed details on the second record.
You clicked
Defect 1453466: When you changed the date in the Invoice Date field of an AP Vouchers transaction record, the Payment Date did not re-calculate automatically. This issue occurred if:
The AP Vouchers transaction record was a recurring one.
You set the default payment term for the vendor to Numeric Value on the Vendor tab of the firm record.
Defect 1484158: When you opened a cash receipt record, the Post button was not available on the form, even though your user role had full access to transaction types.
Defect 1508010: When you created a credit memo for a posted invoice in Interactive Billing and searched for the credit memo in Transaction Center » Transaction Entry » Invoices, Vantagepoint displayed all the lines in the Project Information grid including those that had 0 values in the Amount field. This issue occurred if:
You selected to not have the credit amount equal to the original invoice amount.
On the Credit Memo dialog box, you entered no value on Labor, Expenses/Units, and Fee sections under WBS levels that had invoices posted.
Defect 1478234: When you ran the import process, the value of the Address Description field for an existing firm record was replaced, even if the values of the Address, City, State, and Zip fields were the same.
Defect 1464776: This issue occurred when you set up a new labor posting employee type in Settings » Accounting » Labor Posting, then later reassigned employees to a different type and deleted the type that you created. When you then ran a key conversion for your organization, Vantagepoint incorrectly used the account number of the first labor posting type listed on the Labor Types grid in Settings » Accounting » Labor Posting.
Defect 1500437: This issue occurred when all companies in your enterprise had closed a specific period. When you cleared the Closed check box for the active company to reopen that period, it was incorrectly opened for all other companies as well.
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