Deltek Vantagepoint 4.0.6 (Build Release Notes Last Updated: August 9, 2021
Release Date: August 9, 2021
Welcome to the Deltek Vantagepoint 4.0.6 Release Notes, which describe the new features and enhancements introduced in this release.
These release notes address all of the modules associated with Deltek Vantagepoint 3.0, some of which your firm may not use. Skip the sections that do not apply to your implementation of Deltek Vantagepoint.
Idaho 2021 Tax Update
The Idaho State Tax Commission updated the state's withholding methods to include income tax rate and bracket changes:
The number of income tax brackets has been reduced from seven to five.
Tax rates have been set from 0 to 6.5%, instead of from 0 to 6.925%.
The upper threshold of the zero-percent tax bracket has increased from $12,400 to $12,550 for single employees.
The upper threshold of the zero-percent tax bracket has increased from $24,800 to $25,100 for married employees.
The value of a state allowance has increased from $2,960 to $3,154.
The supplemental withholding rate has decreased from 6.925% to 6.5%.
For more information, see:
Kansas 2021 Tax Update
Kansas updated its withholding methods in the state employer’s guide, retroactively effective to January 1, 2021, as indicated in a notice released by the state revenue department:
For more information, see the Kansas Withholding Tax Guide:
New York State 2021 Tax Update
The withholding methods for New York state were updated effective July 1, 2021, to take into account the changes in New York’s fiscal 2022 budget, according to the state Department of Taxation and Finance.
Effective for payrolls made on or after January 1, 2021:
New income tax brackets for high-income individuals have been added.
The supplemental withholding rate for New York state has increased from 9.62% to 13.78%.
For more information, see:
New Qualify a Lead Walkthrough
A new Qualify a Lead walkthrough has been added to Vantagepoint, if you have the CRM Plus module and you have the Lead Qualification feature turned on in Settings » CRM.
You can view this walkthrough in Hubs » Contacts. In the Summary pane on the Contacts form, hover over the Qualified Status field and click the walkthrough icon
In Vantagepoint, when a lead that is entered as a contact becomes an actual business relationship, you qualify the lead. This walkthrough guides you through the process. You will use one of your active contacts as you go through the walkthrough steps. In the last step of the walkthrough, you have the option to qualify the lead or cancel the qualifying process and not qualify the lead.
The Qualify a Lead walkthrough icon will display, but not work, if the Qualified Status field for your security role is locked.
Removed the Review Tab
The Review tab on the Tax File Generation form in Accounting » Tax File Generation (desktop application) was removed. The Tax Analysis Report button on the tab was moved to the toolbar on the Tax File Generation form.
The Review tab did not provide the detail necessary to properly assess the tax file that you just generated. The Tax Analysis Report has always been recommended for verifying the data in the tax file. The Tax Analysis Report button is now in a more prominent location in the Tax File Generation application.
Defect 1481566: A phase that did not have an organization specified on the Overview tab of the Projects form and did not have Approved for Use in Processing selected on the Accounting tab should have been excluded from consultant accruals processing. However, if that phase also had a project budget, it was incorrectly included in consultant accruals processing.
Defect 1497183: When you processed a draft or final run in Intercompany Billing (in the desktop application), you received the following error message: "Class: System.RuntimeType.Function: TryChangeType. FrameworkException:Object of type System.String' cannot be converted to type Deltek .Framework.Ancestors.Server.ParameterizedQueryBuilder'. Call Stack:
Deltek.Framework.MethodCall.Server.MethodCall.MakeCall() at line number: 594
tfs_System_Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(obj As Object, parameters As Object[]) As Object."
Defect 1431706: If you used a user-defined revenue method that included the Planned Labor field and that same revenue method was also selected for higher, non-chargeable levels of the project's work breakdown structure, Revenue Generation did not calculate job-to-date revenue correctly.
Defect 1501380: Unrealized gains and loss adjustments were incorrectly being created and duplicated each time that you ran Revenue Generation, after you installed Vision CU 65. This issue occurred when the following applied:
The currency was not equal to the company's functional currency.
Revenue was not equal to billings, and revenue was not zero.
Previously accrued revenue existed, but billings were zero.
The revenue method was changed to B to reduce the revenue to zero.
Defect 1492387: In Batch Billing, when you selected the Print Unbilled Detail Report check box and created the invoices, Vantagepoint generated two unbilled detail reports. The duplicate report had the term “_Custom“ appended to the end of its filename.
Defect 1231638: In Interactive Billing, a project's custom field information did not display on retainage invoices.
Defect 1444102: In Interactive Billing, when you accepted an invoice with the Post on Accept check box selected in Billing Session Options and then navigated to another application, you should have received an error message that informed you that an exchange rate was not found for the invoice posting. Instead, you received an incorrect error message stating that the invoice transaction was not posted, a diary was required, and you needed to complete the posting process in Transaction Entry.
This issue occurred if the following applied:
You use multiple currencies in Vantagepoint.
A project's billing and functional currencies differed and no exchange rate was set up between the two currencies.
Defect 1468424: When you exported data from any grid in Interactive Billing, the date format was incorrect and additional values displayed for the dates in the generated file.
Defect 1491417: On the Labor tab in Interactive Billing, you were unable to sort the grid by labor code.
Defect 1491533: This issue occurred if you had the same unit in more than one company. In Interactive Billing, when you previewed a draft invoice that had unit entries, the unit entries were duplicated and you received the following error message: "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'billUnitDetailPK'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.billUnitDetail'."
Defect 1491933: In Interactive Billing, the Invoice Accept dialog box would not open if you had a large number of line items on an invoice, and some of the line items had no amounts.
Defect 1492413: When you logged in to Vantagepoint using the French (Canada) language and then inserted project-related fields on the Email Invoice dialog box in Interactive Billing, the generated email message did not display the appropriate field values.
Defect 1493098: Incorrect billing comments displayed for transactions that you exported from Interactive Billing. The correct billing comments displayed in Vantagepoint.
Defect 1494398: When you previewed or printed an Invoice report in Billing Invoice Approvals, the date format used for the invoice date did not follow the default regional settings established in Settings » Region » Date Format on your computer.
Defect 1494788: If you applied a filter to the Rate column in the grid on the Labor tab, the total displayed for the Hours column did not change to reflect the filtered contents.
Defect 1490496: Invoices that had not been submitted were incorrectly displaying in Invoice Approvals if you had selected Other Actions » Include New Transactions on the Interactive Billing form for an invoice that had not started the approval process. The Include New Transactions action should not have been available for invoices that were not submitted.
Defect 1500492: When you posted an AP disbursement record in Transaction Center » Transaction Entry » AP Disbursements, the Imported Amount column on the Charges tab of the Credit Card Reconciliation form displayed values that were twice the correct value.
Defect 1496343: This issue applies if you log in to Vantagepoint using the French (Canada) language. In Payment Review, when you tried to view employee payments, you received an error if any employees had single quotes in their names.
Defect 1441136: When you changed the Date fields of a saved search and tried to run the search in a user-defined hub, you received the following error message: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".
Defect 1484540: This issue occurred when a contact was associated with a firm that has multiple addresses. When you tried to perform a contact search by country, instead of displaying only the contacts that matched the country search criteria based on the Firm Address field in the Overview tab, the search result also displayed contacts associated with other firms that had multiple addresses if one of those firm addresses matched the search criteria.
Defect 1496622: In the Contacts hub, when you added an activity to the Activity tab and the contact had a firm entered for it on the Overview tab, the firm did not automatically display in the Firms field for the activity.
Defect 1491077: When your role did not have access rights to the Connect Administration Integration utility, you were unable to change an employee's status to Terminated or Terminated (cannot reactivate) in the Employees hub.
Defect 1494466: This issue occurred when you used Actions » Design on the Accounting tab of the Employees form to specify Field Security, for any role, for the ADP File Number, ADP Company Code, and ADP Rate Code fields. When you saved the changes, you received the following error message: "Record Employees|X|EM.ADP...already exists and cannot be added."
Defect 1496330: On the Accounting tab of the Employees form, the drop-down list in the Labor Type field did not display the selections according to the sort order that you specified for labor posting types in Settings » Accounting » Labor Posting.
Defect 1496706: The GL Cost, GL Books, Other Books, and Assignment tabs were missing in the Equipment hub after you re-entered passwords for the Asset Management module in Settings » General » Modules.
Defect 1454487: This issue occurred on the Activities tab of the Firms form, when you edited a firm activity. If you tried to delete a name in the Attendees field, the name was not deleted on the first attempt but you were successful on your second try.
Defect 1487873: This occurred when you logged in to the desktop application using the English language and logged in to the browser application using the French language.
When you clicked a vendor link on the General tab of the Firms form in the desktop application, the record opened in the browser application. The Firms form and fields displayed in English, but the Navigation pane displayed in French.
Defect 1490990: Vantagepoint did not allow characters (like a hyphen or a minus symbol) as a valid value in the Bank ID fields on the Vendor tab of the Firms form. (Prior to Vantagepoint 4.0.5, you could enter characters in the Bank ID fields.)
Defect 1431913: When you selected a project, opened the Project Structure dialog box, and then dragged the dialog box to a new location, the contents of the dialog box were not updated when you clicked the right or left arrow to scroll through other projects in the search results.
Defect 1485439: When you attempted use the New Project Search dialog box to search for projects based on the Responsibility field, Responsibility displayed twice in the list of fields. Only one of those Responsibility fields was a valid Vantagepoint field.
Defect 1487790: If Vantagepoint is set up with multiple companies, and you created a new project and linked that project to an organization for a company other than your currently active company, Vantagepoint incorrectly assigned default tax codes from the default billing terms for your currently active company to that project. It should instead have assigned default tax codes from the default billing terms for the company associated with the project's organization.
Defect 1479976: You were unable to do any work on the form because the form did not load correctly.
Defect 1483302: If you selected a status option from the Contract Status drop-down list on the Contract tab of the Contract Management form, the option was duplicated when you opened the drop-down list again.
Defect 1489156: When your project had a large number of invoices and you exported data from the Invoices grid, the invoices were duplicated in the generated comma-separated values (CSV) file.
Defect 1489992: The displayed currency symbol in the summary pane of the Projects hub was based on the currency of the active company instead of the currency that was specified in the Project Currency field of the General tab in Hubs » Projects » Project.
Defect 1490861: This issue occurred when you selected the Restrict Charge Companies option in the Multicompany section of the Accounting tab. When you displayed the drop-down list of the Company field in the Multicompany section, the list displayed companies based on the access rights of the user's role, instead of displaying all companies.
Defect 1423761: In table dashparts with the project dashpart base, the following columns displayed the wrong data for the project (WBS) record:
Revenue Type
Revenue Description
Defect 1446740: This issue occurred for dashparts with the project dashpart base when you configured the search parameters to include linked projects. Projects with a linked project displayed zero hours in the Linked Project Hours column, even if the labor hours were not zero in the linked project record.
Defect 1486291: This issue occurred when you were working on a chart dashpart in the Dashpart Designer. The Grouped Columns column displayed in the grid on the Dashpart Designer, even though it should not have been included.
Defect 1487770: This issue applies for roles with Dashboards and Dashparts set to Save For All Roles on the Overview tab of Settings » Security » Roles. Users in the affected roles were not able to view all dashboards while in Edit Mode. As a result, the users were not able to manage the share access rights for hidden dashboards to correct access issues due to licensing limits.
Defect 1493228: The Project Saved Search on the Dashpart Designer did not return the correct records when you set the Project Search List Sort Order option to Project Number or Project Name in My Preferences » General.
Defect 1466841: This issue occurred when you imported a credit card charge into an expense report and modified the value in the Amount field, in effect splitting the credit card charge among multiple projects. The amount in the Balance field on the Credit Card Charges dialog box did not reflect the correct remaining amount for the charge.
Defect 1481802: This issue occurred when you did not select the Detail column to display in the Expense Report grid. When you selected a category from the drop-down list for the Category option and updated an expense line in the grid, you could no longer edit the succeeding expense lines.
Defect 1489648: When you entered information on the Travel Detail dialog box and clicked OK, Vantagepoint displayed a spinning wheel and was unresponsive. This issue occurred when you did not select the Detail column to display on the Expense Report form.
Defect 1336773: When you set the page length of a favorite report to 30 inches, you received the following error message when you generated the report: "SQL Reporting Error creating Resource Planning Forecast RDL file:..."
Defect 1379425: This issue applied to reports that you set to run and then distribute as email messages on the Schedule dialog box. When you selected to send the report as a comma-separated values (CSV) file, you instead received a text (TXT) file attached to the email message.
Defect 1424378: When you generated a Project List report, clicked Search and Download, and then selected columns in the Search Criteria list, the columns were arranged in the correct sequence when you previewed the report. However, if you added the Organization Name column and clicked Show Results, the Organization Name column became the last column instead of displaying next to the Name column.
Defect 1448439: This issue occurred with the Project Planning List report. When you selected the Plan Start Date and Plan End Date columns on the Columns grid and ran the report, the values in these columns on the generated report did not reflect the values on the plan record.
Defect 1456546: When you ran the State Form 941 Worksheet, the report showed all employees. This occurred even when you selected a withholding code in the Withholding Detail section on the Options tab, which should have filtered the employees included in the report.
Defect 1462072: When you placed the Due To/From Company column on the top tier of the Selected Columns grid and generated the Account Analysis report, you received the following error message: " SQL Reporting Error creating Account Analysis RDL File…"
However, if you placed the Due To/From Company column on the lowest tier and generated the report, the report was created without errors.
Defect 1469578: When you created a Time Analysis report with specific columns, you were able to generate the report properly. However, when you saved it as a new favorite report and reopened it, the columns that you specified in the Columns grid were removed.
Defect 1476309: When you set the default Unit of Measure to Millimeters, the column width of the Employee Summary report automatically changed to a large value after you edited and saved the report.
Defect 1477694: When you clicked the Search and Download icon in the report preview of the Employee Ledger report and then selected the Group Expense column in the Search Criteria, an expense report line was removed and the amount was not included in the total expenses.
Defect 1479299: This issue occurred for the Project List report when you specified the following advanced search settings:
You selected a column from a user defined grid as a search parameter.
You set the on Any Level condition for the search parameter.
You selected = (the equals symbol) as the operator.
You entered search values for the search parameter.
When you generated the Project List report, the report window displayed an error message instead of the report.
Defect 1481970: This issue occurred with the Unbilled Detail and Aging report. When you selected Show Totals on Header on the Columns & Groups tab and then generated the report, some labels for the header total rows were not correct for the detail rows below them. For example, labor rows with the Held billing status had an Expenses label instead of a Held Labor label.
Defect 1488733: When you ran the Project Planning Analysis report, the process timed out before completing. This defect happened if you grouped the report data based on Project Manager Name.
Defect 1490341: This issue occurred on the Resource Utilization by Organization report when you changed the default dates in the Reporting Time Frame fields on the Options tab. When the new start date was beyond the end date of the default time frame, the report still displayed the default start date.
Defect 1491330: This issue occurred when you used a Between operator for a user-defined date field when you set up the search for records to include in the Employee List report. When you ran a favorite report based on the Employee List report, you received an error message.
Defect 1491821: When you changed the date range of the Time Analysis report to a future date and tried to generate the report, the wrong data was retrieved. The Start Date of the report was not updated when you modified the date range beyond the previously selected date range.
Defect 1495489: When Field Security Rights in Screen Designer were set to Secured for a particular field, the Field Security report did not display a new row showing the secured fields and did not indicate that those fields were Locked.
Defect 1496349: This issue occurred when you ran the Account Analysis report, clicked the Search and Download icon on the generated report, filtered the search results, and then exported the results to a comma-separated values (CSV) file. The fields included in the search criteria were duplicated in the exported file.
Defect 1496454: This issue occurred if you used a CRM only database. When you selected columns on the Columns & Groups tab from the report options of contact reports, the Last Name column was not available on the Select Columns dialog box.
Defect 1496825: For the Cash Receipts report, this issue occurred when you used the lookup search and tried to filter the Client Name option by a field in the Projects grid. When you ran the report, Vantagepoint returned no results for the report and displayed the following error message: "An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Query execution failed for dataset 'ReportDataset'. (rsErrorExecuingCommand). For more information about this error, navigate to the report server on the local server machine or enable remote errors."
This issue occurred when you:
Clicked the Reports tab and selected the Cash Receipts report.
On the Options tab, clicked the down arrow for the Client Name option and selected Search.
On the Search dialog box, clicked Add Field and then selected a field in the Projects grid.
Selected Apply All to execute the search.
On the Actions bar of the Cash Receipt report form, clicked Run.
Defect 1440231: The filter fields on the Billing Transfer Audit dialog box were not returning the correct records.
Defect 1455242: When you disabled the Payroll module in Settings » General » Modules, the Payroll Tax Locale column still displayed on the Timesheets form.
Defect 1458947: The Send Email option was unavailable (grayed out) and should not have displayed on the Floor Check dialog box.
Defect 1485342: This issue occurred on the Floor Check dialog box when you used the filter option to search for and select specific timesheets. When you exported the selected timesheets, the comma-separated values (CSV) file only contained one timesheet row.
Defect 1488077: Even when a timesheet was approved and ready to post, you received the following error message: "No data to post."
Defect 1488078: This issue occurred when you copied text from an external source and pasted it into the Comment field when entering timesheet hours. When you modified the saved timesheet record, you received the following error message: "ParameterizedQueryBuilder parameter count mismatch."
Defect 1488968: On the Floor Check dialog box, the Last Saved column was missing timestamp information after you upgraded to Vantagepoint version 4.0.4.
Defect 1490828: When you entered a specific project number on the Project/Phase/Task Lookup dialog box, the search returned several projects instead of the exact match. This issue occurred if you selected the Find words that sound the same when performing searches option on the My Preferences dialog box.
Defect 1491806: Long comments that you entered for your timesheet entries (hours or units) were not text-wrapping correctly in the Comment text box.
Defect 1493133: When you enabled budget validation for a project on the Accounting tab of the Projects form and you then added that project to a timesheet and submitted the timesheet, you received the following error message: "ParameterizedQueryBuilder parameter count mismatch."
Defect 1496887: When you submitted timesheets, you received the notification that the timesheets were submitted but the Timesheet Status field still showed In Progress.
Defect 1491055: This issue occurred if a scheduled workflow was configured to send an email notification. The process server job with the email notifications failed because the intended employee recipient of the email message did not have an email address.
Defect 1495093: The Paychex Export included employees that were not part of the employee search parameters that you specified.
Defect 1323289: In the desktop application, when you submitted a blanket purchase order, you received the following error: "The blanket order has a total limit of [xxx], and previous released amount is [yyy]. You cannot release in excess of the original order."
This occurred when purchase order amounts from other companies were included in the calculation of the total for the current company.
Defect 1194198: When you accessed either a Marketing Campaigns or a Boilerplates search, the Show # of Results record counter (a blue link) was unavailable in the Search Results section of the Search dialog box.
Defect 1489556: When you paired the Project - Project = Empty search criterion with an active record (such as a firm, contact, or employee record), the search result did not display active records without an associated project.
Defect 1444424: This issue occurred when you deleted a row item in the Override Labor Accounts grid on the Labor Posting form, navigated to a different area of Vantagepoint, and then returned to the Labor Posting form. When you tried to save after adding the same row item that was previously deleted in the Override Labor Accounts grid, you received the following error message: "Please enter a value for the Start Project Range."
As a workaround, refresh the web page before you add and save the row item that you previously deleted in the Override Labor Accounts grid.
Defect 1398272: In the desktop application, on the Asset Type tab of the Asset Management form, you were unable to enter a value over 99 in the Useful Life in Years field. This issue occurred even when the value that you entered in the Useful Life in Years field on the Methods tab had a value greater than 99.
Defect 1487715: If you set up an invoice template with certain combinations of employee name fields selected on the Project Info tab of the Invoice Template Editor form, some names printed on invoices as <first name> <last name> and other names printed as <last name>, <first name>.
For example, Project Manager, Principal, and any employee custom fields printed as <first name> <last name>, and PR.Biller and PR.BillingContactID printed as <last name>, <first name>.
Defect 1456036: This issue occurred on the Default Billing Terms settings form, on the Rates for Reporting settings form, and on the Billing Terms form in the Projects hub. When you selected a method for which you could specify a rate table but you made no selection in the Rate Table field, that field should have displayed None but instead displayed 0.
Defect 1446112: This issue occurred when you added a new label in the Cash Flow Statement Setup grid and then added a new account in the Accounts grid without first saving the new label in the Cash Flow Statement Setup grid. When added a new account in the Accounts grid and saved, the new account was erased from the Accounts grid. Then, when you re-entered the new account and tried to save again, you received an error message indicating that the account already existed.
Defect 1497509: When you logged in to Vantagepoint using any non-English (United States) language, you were unable to upload and publish Vantagepoint Intelligence workbooks.
Defect 1455765: When you used the scroll bar to go through a large number of values listed on the Labor Category Settings dialog box, it continuously moved up and down between parts of the list.
Defect 1465983: You were not able to delete an existing entry on the Phone Format Settings dialog box, even if the format was not associated with any records.
Defect 1494472: If Screen Designer field level security was set for a role on one or more fields in a hub and you made any change to the role's access to that hub, all of the field level security restrictions on fields in that hub were removed. For example, if several fields were hidden in the Projects hub for a security role and you gave that role access to another application in the Projects hub, all of the Projects hub fields that were previously set to Hidden in Screen Designer were reset to Displayed.
Defect 1496338: In the Time Categories grid, you could not set the Phase Method option to Phase Query.
Defect 1448905: This issue occurred when you configured an employee user-initiated workflow (Settings » Workflow » User Initiated Workflows) or employee scheduled workflow (Settings » Workflow » Scheduled Workflows) with the EMPhoto workflow table. Employee workflows that used the EMPhoto workflow table did not work. The EMPhoto option should not have been available in the Workflow Table drop-down field.
Defect 1482028: When you added a Column (Field) Change action for a workflow, certain fields (for example, the Weighted Fee field) were not available as an option in the Column drop-down field on the Column Change Configuration dialog box.
Defect 1494895: The Project Association table was not available as an option in the Client hub areas for user initiated workflows or scheduled workflows.
Defect 1471705: When you updated the Direct Labor fields, a user-defined field displayed the previous total direct labor value instead of the latest total direct labor value. This issue occurred when:
A user-defined field in the Projects hub was configured to display the total direct labor value from the Contract tab of the Contract Management form.
A workflow was configured to automatically update that user-defined field when updates were made to Direct Labor fields on the Contract tab of the Contract Management form.
Defect 1487489: When you tried to delete a workflow action on the User Initiated Workflows form, you received the following error message: "Uncaught TypeError: n.eventsDMCtl.getRowData is not a function."
Defect 1486596: This issue occurred when, in an AP Voucher transaction entry, you selected an existing voucher record on the Voucher Lookup dialog box and copied the voucher line items to the AP transaction record. Then, in the Project Information grid, you changed the values in the Amount field and added a new line item. The changes to the Amount values did not commit.
This issue happened if you did not select a value in the Bank field when creating the AP transaction record and allowed Vantagepoint to prefill the Bank field with the value from the voucher record.
Defect 1445980: When you enabled auto numbering for receipts for a bank code in Settings » Accounting » Transactions and you created a new file using that bank code in Transaction Entry » Cash Receipts, the Comment field on the Cash Receipt entry screen was not auto-populated with Deposit as expected.
Defect 1491849: This issue occurred on the Invoice Lookup dialog box, when you searched for an invoice by entering numbers in the search bar. When you selected an item from the results, all the displayed invoices were automatically selected.
Defect 1498353: This issue applies when multiple currencies are enabled. When you tried to approve Revenue journal entry transactions with system-generated gain/loss entries that were generated from Accounting » Revenue Generation, you received this error message: "Save failed. Each line must have an amount."
This issue occurred for entries in the Project Information grid that had zero amounts. In this grid, you were incorrectly able to remove the zero amounts that were associated with gains/losses during processing, which caused the transactions to be unbalanced.
Defect 1494119: The Desktop Imports utility was incorrectly requiring that revenue methonds be mapped for project imports using the Allow Update option.
Defect 1497632: On the Import Utility form, when you performed an import for the Project-Contract Details table, you received the following error message: "Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table ‘ContractDetails’ when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF."
Defect 1493672: Labor that you entered through History Loading on the Labor and Expense form did not get added to Vantagepoint with the correct project charge type. As a result, when you ran Revenue Generation, the history-loaded labor was not recognized if you had a revenue method that used JTD Direct Labor at Billing Rate.
Defect 1490817: The form in Process Server » Server Management was displaying a Not Installed status even though the service was up and running on the dedicated server.
Defect 1486546: This issue occurred for scheduled report jobs with special characters in the report name. An error message was displayed when you deleted a scheduled report job.
Defect 1477054: When you selected Utilities » Updates » Refresh Summary Tables and clicked Run next to Refresh General Ledger Summary Table, the time that displayed in the Last Refresh Date field was incorrect.
Defect 1488069: You received a workflow failure notification stating that employees do not have an email address, even though they had email addresses entered in the Employees hub. This issue occurred when you set up a user initiated workflow for updating the Email field in the Employees hub if it was left blank.
Issue 1498373: Updated Vantagepoint Intelligence menu workflows to improve protection against external entity (XXE) processing.
Severity: Critical
Status: Fixed
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