Deltek Vantagepoint 3.5 (Build Release Notes
Released: June 22, 2020
Last Updated:
February 23, 2021
Welcome to the Deltek Vantagepoint 3.5 Release Notes, which describe the new features and enhancements introduced in this release.
These release notes address all of the modules associated with Deltek Vantagepoint 3.5, some of which your firm may not use. Skip the sections that do not apply to your implementation of Deltek Vantagepoint.
Editing Recurring Activities
You can now modify an occurrence in a series of recurring activities from the following locations:
My Stuff » Calendar
My Stuff » Dashboards » CRM, in the My Activities dashpart
Hubs » Employee » Employees, on the Activities tab
Hubs » Projects » Project, on the Activities tab
Hubs » Contacts » Contacts, on the Activities tab
Hubs » Firms » Firms, on the Activities tab
Hubs » Marketing Campaigns » Marketing Campaigns, on the Activities tab
You open a specific occurrence in any of these applications and make changes to the activity record. The changes do not affect the rest of the series.
Dismissing an activity reminder on the Reminders dialog box of the Notification Center, or marking an activity complete in the My Activities dashpart on the Dashboard, affects only the specific instance, rather than the entire series of recurring activities.
To modify the rest of the series, open the recurring activity record on the Activities form in Hubs » Activities.
You can also view and modify a series of recurring activities by clicking the View the series link on the Activities dialog box.
Allow Hub-related API Endpoints to Ignore Required Field Validations and Workflow Triggers
Hub-related API endpoints are now updated with the options making it possible to ignore validation for required screen designer fields and to ignore triggers for workflows. By default, fields and workflows established as required in Screen Designer are set to be enforced and triggered, respectively. The new option to ignore required field validation does not apply to required system fields.
Expose the Login Configuration for a Database API Endpoint
The Login Configuration for a Database API endpoint is now available. This endpoint retrieves the configuration settings for a given database during login.
Expose Upload or Download API Endpoints for Hub Attachments (Filestream)
Upload/Download API endpoints for attachments or filestream in hub records are now available, except those for Equipment hub records. These new API endpoints honor existing validations and restrictions as well as security requirements at record, tab, and field levels.
Expose Upload or Download API Endpoints for Transaction Entry Attachments (Filestream)
Upload/Download API endpoints for attachments or filestream in the following transaction entry records are now available:
AP Vouchers
AP Disbursements
Journal Entries
Units by Project
These new API endpoints honor existing validations and restrictions as well as security requirements at application and record levels.
Update the Login Configuration API Endpoint
The Login Configuration API endpoint has been updated to add support for other configuration settings. This update allows the API endpoint to return a list of supported languages, Windows-related settings and version information for your Vantagepoint application.
New Fields Added
New fields were added to Settings » Billing » Invoice Format to provide more flexibility in how the contact’s name is displayed on the invoice. In prior versions, you could choose to print the Contact Title as well as the Contact’s Prefix and Suffix. Now, the new fields allow you to select any or all of these parts of the contact name: Prefix, First Name, Preferred Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix, and Title.
User-Defined Fields in Timesheet Entry
Vantagepoint now supports user-defined fields (UDF) on the Add/Edit Timesheet Entry dialog box (My Stuff » Calendar » Actions » New Timesheet Entry).
Pagination in Project Information Grid of Cash Receipts
To improve performance for large files, pagination was introduced in the Cash Receipt transaction entry form. If there is a large number of detail lines in Transaction Center » Transaction Entry » Cash Receipts, you can now page through the Project Information grid.
If you make changes to fields in the header, including the Bank field, you receive a prompt saying that you should save the changes.
Record Security
The Reporting application (browser, not desktop) now runs a security check on records for custom reports when you perform an advanced search from the Records field. As a result, you can access only those records that are based on a LookupType’s custom attributes and properties, as defined in the custom report.
Drill-down Details for Project Dashpart Base
You can now see drill-down details for the following columns:
Labor Amount Billing
Labor Amount Cost
The values in these columns display as links. When you click a linked value, a dialog box shows you the total value is broken out into details, so that you can review all transactions associated with the project data.
Dashpart settings affect how the drill-down details are presented (or made available) in the project dashpart. When date ranges are configured for these columns, the drill-down details follow the date range for the column. When groupings are configured for the project dashpart, drill-down details are not available for the sub-total and total rows. Drill-down details are not available when you use a presentation currency for the dashpart.
New Columns for the Project Dashpart Base
Additional columns for the Project dashpart base are now available to improve project visibility for project managers and resource planners.
The following columns display information related to the project plan:
EAC Planned Amount Cost
EAC Planned Amount Billing
EAC Planned Hours
EAC Planned Overhead Amount Cost
EAC Planned Multiplier
EAC Planned Profit Cost
EAC Planned Profit Percent
ETC Planned Amount Cost
ETC Planned Amount Billing
ETC Planned Hours
ETC Planned Overhead Amount Cost
Planned Cost
Planned Billing
Planned Hours
Planned Overhead Amount Cost
Percent Planned Expended Cost
Percent Planned Expended Billing
Percent Planned Expended Hours
The following columns display unposted labor information for a project:
Unposted Labor Cost
Unposted Labor Billing
Unposted Hours
The following columns display information related to other expenses:
Direct Other Expenses Cost
Direct Other Expenses Billing
Reimbursable Other Expenses Cost
Reimbursable Other Expenses Billing
Total Other Expenses Cost
Total Other Expenses Billing
The following columns display costs associated with direct expenses:
Direct Expense Amount Cost
Direct Expense Amount Billing
Pipeline System Dashpart Enhancements
The pipeline system dashpart was enhanced with the following updates:
A new Total Compensation Feebar is now displayed for won projects. This bar displays as a green bar, stacked on the same bar as the Weighted Fee and Estimated fee bars.
The advanced search function in the Search drop-down list now matches the latest search engine used in Vantagepoint. This enables searching at work breakdown structure (WBS) levels.
The pipeline system dashpart is now also available for users of the Resource Planning module.
Renamed Columns for the Project Dashpart Base
The columns that are associated with budget data were updated with new column names, to differentiate existing budget-related columns from the new planning-related columns. The updated column names are applied to newly created project dashparts. Existing project dashparts that already use the budget-related columns still display the old column name.
The following columns were renamed:
Old Column Name
New Column Name
EAC Amount Billing
EAC Budgeted Amount Billing
EAC Amount Cost
EAC Budgeted Amount Cost
EAC Dir. Consultant Amount Cost
EAC Budgeted Dir. Consultant Amount Cost
EAC Direct Amount Billing
EAC Budgeted Direct Amount Billing
EAC Direct Amount Cost
EAC Budgeted Direct Amount Cost
EAC Expense Amount Billing
EAC Budgeted Expense Amount Billing
EAC Expense Amount Cost
EAC Budgeted Expense Amount Cost
EAC Hours
EAC Budgeted Hours
EAC Indirect Amount Billing
EAC Budgeted Indirect Amount Billing
EAC Indirect Amount Cost
EAC Budgeted Indirect Amount Cost
EAC Labor Amount Billing
EAC Budgeted Labor Amount Billing
EAC Labor Amount Cost
EAC Budgeted Labor Amount Cost
EAC Other Exp. Amount Billing
EAC Budgeted Other Exp. Amount Billing
EAC Other Exp. Amount Cost
EAC Budgeted Other Exp. Amount Cost
EAC Overhead Amount Cost
EAC Budgeted Overhead Amount Cost
EAC Reimb. Consultant Amount Billing
EAC Budgeted Reimb. Consultant Amount Billing
EAC Reimb. Consultant Amount Cost
EAC Budgeted Reimb. Consultant Amount Cost
EAC Reimbursable Amount Billing
EAC Budgeted Reimbursable Amount Billing
EAC Reimbursable Amount Cost
EAC Budgeted Reimbursable Amount Cost
ETC Amount Billing
ETC Budgeted Amount Billing
ETC Amount Cost
ETC Budgeted Amount Cost
ETC Dir. Consultant Amount Billing
ETC Budgeted Dir. Consultant Amount Billing
ETC Dir. Consultant Amount Cost
ETC Budgeted Dir. Consultant Amount Cost
ETC Direct Amount Billing
ETC Budgeted Direct Amount Billing
ETC Direct Amount Cost
ETC Budgeted Direct Amount Cost
ETC Expense Amount Billing
ETC Budgeted Expense Amount Billing
ETC Expense Amount Cost
ETC Budgeted Expense Amount Cost
ETC Hours
ETC Budgeted Hours
ETC Indirect Amount Billing
ETC Budgeted Indirect Amount Billing
ETC Indirect Amount Cost
ETC Budgeted Indirect Amount Cost
ETC Labor Amount Billing
ETC Budgeted Labor Amount Billing
ETC Labor Amount Cost
ETC Budgeted Labor Amount Cost
ETC Other Exp. Amount Billing
ETC Budgeted Other Exp. Amount Billing
ETC Other Exp. Amount Cost
ETC Budgeted Other Exp. Amount Cost
ETC Overhead Amount Cost
ETC Budgeted Overhead Amount Cost
ETC Reimb. Consultant Amount Billing
ETC Budgeted Reimb. Consultant Amount Billing
ETC Reimb. Consultant Amount Cost
ETC Budgeted Reimb. Consultant Amount Cost
ETC Reimbursable Amount Billing
ETC Budgeted Reimbursable Amount Billing
ETC Reimbursable Amount Cost
ETC Budgeted Reimbursable Amount Cost
Masking Social Security Numbers
For privacy purposes, the value in the employee's Social Security Number field in the Employees hub is automatically masked or blurred after entry. To view or change the number, hover over or edit the field.
More Intuitive and Efficient User Interface
The Expense Report form in My Stuff » Expense Report has been enhanced to make it more intuitive and efficient to use. The form employs many of the controls and dialog boxes that are common among applications in Vantagepoint. In addition, you can now access the Expense Report Settings dialog box by selecting the Expense Report Settings option from the Other Actions menu in the Actions bar, instead of clicking an icon in the header.
Removed Info Bubble from the Expense Location Column
In Settings » Expense » Expense Categories, the info bubble located above the Expense Location column of the Expense Categories dialog box has been removed because Deltek Vantagepoint now supports expense locations.
Show or Hide Default Expense Location
You can now show or hide the value of the Default Expense Location field, which is the location in which most of your expenses are expected to be incurred. On the Actions bar of the Expense Reports form, select Other Actions » Show/Hide Location.
New GovWin 2020 Connector Provides Enhanced Integration with GovWin IQ
Deltek GovWin IQ now offers a new GovWin 2020 Connector for integrating GovWin IQ with Vantagepoint. (The legacy GovWin IQ integration feature provided in prior releases of Vantagepoint is also still available and supported in Vantagepoint 3.5.)
Using the new GovWin 2020 Connector, GovWin IQ users can do the following:
Easily export GovWin IQ opportunities, along with associated government contacts and buying organizations, into Vantagepoint as projects, contacts, and firms.
Map Vantagepoint firms to GovWin IQ buying organizations, as a preliminary step, to simplify opportunity export.
The 2020 Connector supports all GovWin IQ opportunity types to which you can subscribe:
Fed and SLED Tracked Opportunities
SAM Procurement Notices
Bid Notifications
Lead Alerts
Opportunity Manager opportunities
The new Connector exports all the opportunity fields that the legacy GovWin IQ integration exports. In addition, you can also export the following:
Links to up to 30 related documents
Latest analyst update
To configure the GovWin 2020 Connector, do the following:
Contact your GovWin Client Success Manager at (571) 521-7062 or Ask them to enable you as a Vantagepoint Connector Administrator and enable your account for the GovWin 2020 Connector for Vantagepoint.
After you are enabled, log in to GovWin IQ, and navigate to the administration area (
Download the configuration instructions and enable the integration.
To support the new GovWin 2020 Connector, Vantagepoint 3.5 includes the following changes:
If a project was created from an opportunity in GovWin IQ using either the new Connector or the legacy GovWin IQ integration, you can now click the GovWin IQ record ID in the IQ ID field in the summary pane of the Projects hub to display the source opportunity record in GovWin IQ.
The summary pane in the Firms hub now contains an IQ ID field that displays the related GovWin IQ record ID, if the firm was created from a buying organization in GovWin IQ.
Dynamic Grid Operators
The Vantagepoint architecture was updated to provide support for dynamically changing the component type of a grid cell based on the value of another grid cell. For example, when you use operators with different data types (such as string, date, number, and so on), the operators that display depend on the type of field that you selected.
Changing the Bill Through Period or Date or the Period Start and End Dates for Submitted and Approved Invoices
In Interactive Billing, you can now easily change the bill through period, bill through date, or period start/end dates for submitted and approved invoices while retaining the associated comments. To do this, you open the project record in Interactive Billing and then open Billing Session Options. On the Billing Session Options dialog box, change the bill through period, bill through date, or period start/end dates. When you change any of these values, you are prompted to resubmit the draft invoice.
When you resubmit the draft invoice, the following occur:
At the top of the Interactive Billing form, you see the change that you made on the Billing Session Options dialog box reflected in the Period, Bill Through Date, or Bill Through Period fields below the project name and number.
On the General tab of the Interactive Billing form, the Invoice Status field displays Submitted for the submitted or approved invoice that you just resubmitted. If the invoice was previously approved, it needs to go through the approval process again.
The transactions on the Labor, Expenses, Units, and Fees tabs are automatically updated, according to the date or period change that you made on the Billing Session Options dialog box.
The draft invoice, including the invoice amount, is automatically recalculated.
Any invoice comments that you entered before you made the changes on the Billing Session Options dialog box and resubmitted the invoice are retained, so that you can still access them.
Bill Through Date and Bill Through Period
The bill through date and bill through period that you specify for an invoice on the Billing Session Options dialog box in Billing » Interactive Billing now display at the top of the Interactive Billing form for an invoice. This allows you to easily view or change those dates or periods for the invoice without having to open Billing Session Options. When you change the bill through date or period on the Interactive Billing form, the changes are automatically updated on the Billing Session Options dialog box. If you use draft invoice approvals, the bill through date and bill through period represent the values associated with the submitted, draft invoice. For projects without a draft in approval, the values come from the current billing session options.
The Bill Through Date and Bill Through Period fields have also been added to the top of the Draft Invoice Approvals form in Hubs » Projects » Draft Invoice Approvals. These fields prefill from the entries that you made on the Billing Sessions Options dialog box in Interactive Billing or Batch Billing when you submitted the invoice. You cannot change the bill through date or bill through period on the Draft Invoice Approvals form.
Marketing Campaign Responses and Multiple Contacts
When you use the +Add Responses option on the Responses tab in the Marketing Campaigns hub, you can now select multiple contacts at one time to associate with the marketing campaign.
Project Search List Sort Options Moved to My Preferences
Previously, to indicate whether you wanted to sort the results of project searches by name or number, you selected Project Settings on the Actions menu in the Projects hub. However, in recent versions of Vantagepoint, that setting has become more widely applied to project searches outside of the Projects hub, making its location within the hub less convenient. Users who did project searches but did not work in the Projects hub either had difficulty finding the option or, because of restricted security, could not access it.
To address this situation, the Project Search List Sort Order option is now located on the General tab of the My Preferences dialog box, where it is readily available to all users.
To accommodate this enhancement, the button that you use to connect to Deltek Collaboration has been moved from the General tab of the My Preferences dialog box to the Credentials tab, and the Credentials tab is now available if Vantagepoint is integrated with either Deltek Collaboration or with Deltek GovWin IQ. In addition, a few minor label and formatting changes were made to the My Preferences dialog box to make it easier to use.
Learning Aids
A new Learning Aids menu item has been added to the online help menu that opens when you click ? on a form in Vantagepoint. Currently, when you click Learning Aids, it opens the Video Library topic that provides access to all the Vantagepoint videos. In future releases, the Learning Aids menu item will display links to individual videos and walkthroughs that show you on-screen, step-by step instructions specific to the current form.
Videos are now linked to their related help topics for easy access. For example, you can run the Enter and Submit Timesheets video from a link on the Add a New Timesheet topic and the Submit a Timesheet topic. More video links will be added to specific topics in future releases. You can continue to access all videos from the Video Library topic, which is located near the beginning of the Table of Contents for the online help.
Planning Data Export Utility Updated for Labor Code Planning
The Planning Data Export utility (Utilities » Imports & Exports » Planning Data Export) has been updated to include labor code information in the exported data.
As in prior releases, the comma-separated values (.CSV) export file automatically includes the plan work breakdown structure (WBS) IDs and names for each plan row. If Vantagepoint is set up to use labor codes, labor code IDs and descriptions are also included automatically in the labor assignments export, if a plan includes assignments at that level. Like the WBS fields, you do not have to select the labor code fields as you do other exported fields. If for some reason you do not want the labor code data, you can delete those columns from the .CSV file.
To improve usability, version 3.5 also includes several minor layout and label changes for the Planning Data Export form and for the dialog boxes that you use to run the export process.
Resource Planning and Resource Management Reports Support Labor Code Planning
Resource Planning reports (My Stuff » Reporting) and Resource Management reports (Resource Management » Reporting) have been updated to fully support reporting on planning data at the labor code level.
Resource Planning Reports:
Resource Utilization by Organization: If Vantagepoint is set up to use labor codes, you can select Labor Code in Lowest Assignment Row Level to Include on the Columns & Groups tab for the report. The report then displays planning data grouped and sorted at the labor code level, if data exists at that level.
Project Planning Schedule, Project Planning Analysis, Project Planning Performance, and Labor Plan Summary: If Vantagepoint is set up to use labor codes, the Maximum Task Level field on the Options tabs for these reports now includes enough level options that you can choose to include planning data at all project work breakdown structure (WBS) levels and at the labor code level. If labor codes are included, the labor code names display below the lowest-level WBS elements in the report.
Example: If you set Maximum Task Level to 3 and a project is using three WBS levels, the report includes plan information for those three levels but not for labor codes. If you set Maximum Task Level to 4 and a project is using three WBS levels, the report includes plan information for the three WBS levels and for the labor code level.
Resource Management Reports:
Project Reports: If, on the Grid Settings dialog box, you set Show Resources to Yes and set Project Level to Assignment Level, the first report column displays the hierarchy of plan WBS element names down to the assignment level. In version 3.5, that hierarchy now includes labor codes, if planning is done at the labor code level.
Resource Reports: If, on the Grid Settings dialog box, you set Show Projects to Yes and set Project Level to Assignment Level, the first report column displays the hierarchy of plan WBS elements down to the assignment level for each of the resource's assignments. In version 3.5, that hierarchy now includes labor codes, if planning is done at the labor code level.
When exporting fewer than 100 records from a list view, the following Vantagepoint applications no longer require the use of the process server: Projects hub, Employees hub, Firms hub, Contacts hub, User Defined hubs, Activities, and Users.
Change Schedule Duration on the Interactive Gantt Chart
You can now resize the task bars directly on the Gantt chart on the Schedule tab in Hubs » Projects » Plan. As you drag the task bar, Vantagepoint updates the plan start and end dates and the duration values. If the task impacts any parent or child task levels, those dates also change.
After verifying the validity of all changes, Vantagepoint does the following:
Changes the affected plan dates or assignment dates.
Redistributes planned hours and amounts. If hours are moved to a date range in which the resource already has planned hours, the rescheduled hours are distributed proportionally across that date range, based on the distribution of the preexisting planned hours.
Updates the values displayed in all planning grids to reflect the new schedule.
Drill Down to JTD Expense and Consultant Transaction Detail in Project Review
In Vantagepoint 3.5, job-to-date (JTD) cost or billing amounts for expenses and consultants display as links in Project Review. You can click one of those links to quickly display the underlying detail for the selected value instead of generating a separate report to view and analyze the supporting data. These drill-down options are available at all levels of the project work breakdown structure (WBS).
When you click one of the following JTD cost or billing amounts on the Project Review form, a dialog box initially displays subtotals of amounts, by employee or vendor:
JTD Direct Expense
JTD Direct Consultant
JTD Reimbursable Expense
JTD Reimbursable Consultant
You can then expand an employee or vendor row to show transaction amounts and details such as the transaction date and description. Use the total at the bottom of the details grid to verify that the sum of the detail equals the corresponding value on the Project Review form.
Performance Improvements
Several changes have been implemented in the framework underlying the Choose Project Structure form, the Edit Project Structure form, and the Projects form list view to improve performance and make the Projects hub more efficient to use, particularly for large data sets. While most of the modifications are not visible, other than to make the Projects hub more responsive, this enhancement does include the following user interface changes:
When either the Choose Project Structure form or the Edit Project Structure form displays, only the top two work breakdown structure (WBS) levels are expanded. If the WBS includes a third level, it is collapsed, but you can expand it as necessary. The purpose of this change is to enable the form to display more quickly for projects with more complex structures.
With the exception of memo fields, you can now select any fields as grid columns on the Edit Project Structure form, including any custom fields, whether or not they are required fields. Previously, you could only select a custom field if it was set up in Screen Designer as a required field.
Messaging has been added to handle some situations in which you are creating a new project based on existing data (an existing project, for example), and someone deletes some of that data before you save the new project.
List View for the Projects hub is now sorted initially based on the option currently selected under Project Search List Sort Order on the My Preferences dialog box, but you can sort List View by any grid column by clicking the column heading. If you change the sort order, that order becomes your new default order until you change it again.
If List View displays as a hierarchical list and you sort by a column, only the project (top-level WBS) rows are sorted; phase and task (lower-level WBS) rows are always sorted in number order under their parent project. However, if you apply column filtering, which changes List View to a flat list rather than a hierarchical list, you can sort all rows based on any grid column, regardless of WBS level.
Revenue Forecasts
The new revenue forecasting feature in the Projects hub enables you to forecast revenue accurately for each regular project, in order to better understand your revenue in future periods across your organization. You can enter your Estimate-to-Complete (ETC) revenue in summary or across calendar periods at any level of the project structure, for regular charge type projects. (Revenue forecasts are only supported for regular projects because you are not able to earn revenue on projects with a charge type of promotional or overhead.)
You can then compare your Planned and ETC revenue against your Contract, Job-to-Date (JTD) Earned, Unearned Contract, Estimated, and Weighted Fees to ensure that you have allocated all of your fees and revenue across the remaining periods. You can view the revenue forecast information on the Project Forecast report.
To use revenue forecasts, you must have the Resource Planning module and must set the project's fee allocation method to Use Revenue Forecast on the Estimated Fee tab of the Contract Management form. For details on this feature, see Revenue Forecast in the online help.
Custom Proposals now includes an Estimates element that you can use to incorporate a project estimate into your proposal. The estimate provides details on the potential overall cost to your client if the project is won.
Proposal estimates may include either a summary or a detailed description of the labor, expenses, consultants, and/or units for the project. Estimate information is pulled directly from the Estimates forms in the Projects hub to ensure that your project and proposal data is aligned.
When you add an estimate table to a proposal, you can specify the columns included in the table. You can also customize the labels for the columns and use the Table Properties fields to format the table’s size, position, border, and cells.
Proposal estimates are available if the CRM Plus module is activated and you select the Enable Service Estimate option on the Service Estimate tab of the Estimate Settings form Settings » Projects » Estimates.
SF330 Proposals
Federal agencies use the SF330 form to obtain information about professional qualifications from architecture and engineering firms. Use the new SF330 feature in the Smart Client (Desktop) version of Vantagepoint Proposals to automate the process of filling out the SF330 to generate a proposal, to satisfy this requirement.
Most of the data that you enter in the SF330 form is tracked in the Vantagepoint database. The sections of the SF330 are distributed across multiple tabs, which include blocks in which you can enter data or auto-populate data, based on the Vantagepoint database.
Now Works for UK Customers
Integration between Vantagepoint and QuickBooks Online now works for UK customers. However, the reverse charge tax feature is not supported.
Option to Schedule a Report Run for Large Reports
When you run a report with a large amount of data and the report runs for three minutes or longer, Vantagepoint displays a prompt that gives you the option of scheduling the task. If you select Yes to submit the job to the process server, the Schedule dialog box displays and you can set the date and time at which the report will run.
Warning Message for Full Access to User Roles
Vantagepoint now provides a warning message when full access to user roles is enabled in Settings » Security » Roles through one of the following options:
Full access to menu items
Navigation menu tree
Enable All/Disable All
The warning message alerts the system administrator that users assigned to the role will be able to view and edit every record and field in the database, regardless of their other security settings.
Add Information to System Tooltips
Some fields and divider lines have tooltips that come with Vantagepoint. The text of these system tooltips does not display in the Tooltip field in Screen Designer because you cannot change or delete them. In prior versions, you could not modify the system tooltips in any way. Now, however, you can use the Tooltip field to enter additional tooltip text for such fields. When a user displays the tooltip in the Vantagepoint user interface, your added text displays below the system tooltip text.
Default Values for User-Defined Fields
The value that you enter for a user-defined field in the Default Value field on the Field Settings dialog box in Screen Designer now prefills in the user-defined field only for new records that are created after you enter the default value in Screen Designer. The default value no longer populates the user-defined field for existing records that were created before you specified the field’s default value.
Select and Apply an Unlimited Number of Records in Searches
You can now select an unlimited number of records for a search. In the Search Results grid of the Search dialog box, select the check box for each record that you want to include and then save your search. The total number of records that you select displays on the Apply Selected (#) button.
Working with SQL Where Clause Searches
With the appropriate security role access, you can now use the Advanced Settings search feature to build and update SQL Where Clause searches for all Vantagepoint hubs and applications. These complex searches allow you to include fields not available in the standard search feature, find and compare records across multiple hub and applications, and compare rows, fields, or associated records in grids.
For detailed information about SQL Where Clause searches, see the following online Help topics:
SQL Where Clause searches require that you have the appropriate security role access in Settings » Security » Roles. For more information, see the following online Help topics:
Ability to Set Up Starting Accounting Period and Fiscal Year After Adding the Accounting or PSA Module
If you initially implement Vantagepoint without the Accounting module or the PSA module (for example, a CRM-only implementation), you do not specify a starting accounting period and fiscal year because they are not needed in that situation. However, if you later activate one of those two modules, no one can log in to Vantagepoint until a starting accounting period and fiscal year have been specified. (This situation may also occur if Deltek Global Consulting provides your initial database as part of a Deltek Power Launch.)
Prior to version 3.5, Vantagepoint did not provide a helpful message when the login failed in this situation, nor did it offer an easy way to establish the starting accounting period and fiscal year.
Version 3.5 provides a better approach. To specify a starting period, a user with an Administrator security role logs in to the browser application. An explanatory message displays, along with the option to open the Accounting Period Setup form. That form contains the same fields and on-screen prompts as the Fiscal Period tab of the Activate Modules page from the initial Vantagepoint activation process. After an administrator completes the required entries on the Accounting Period Setup form, they and other users can once again log in to Vantagepoint.
You should only specify the initial accounting period and fiscal year if you fully understand the implications of doing so. If you do not fully understand the implications, discuss this decision with the appropriate people in your enterprise before proceeding. After you save the starting accounting period and fiscal year, you cannot change them.
Project Templates Support Budget Validation Based on Labor Code Planning
In version 3.0, if Vantagepoint was set up to use labor codes and the budget validation source for a work breakdown structure element was the project plan, budget validation during time entry could be based on plan information at the labor code level. However, that support of labor code planning in budget validation was not available when you set up project templates (Settings » Projects » Project Templates in the desktop application).
In version 3.5, this functionality has been extended to project templates. You can now set up templates that you can then use to create projects that, by default, base budget validation on plan data at the labor code level.
For an overview of budget validation and more detail about budget validation options, see the following Vantagepoint help topics:
New Option to Approve Submitted Timesheets with Zero Hours Automatically
To support companies with hourly or part-time employees who do not submit complete timesheets every period, an Automatically Approve Submitted Timesheet with Zero Hours option is now included on the form in Settings » Workflow» Approval Workflows. This option is enabled by default, to allow submitted timesheets with zero hours to move to Approved status immediately. If you disable the new option, the timesheet approver should manually approve the submitted timesheet with zero hours.
Threshold on Absence Request Hours
You can now set a threshold on the number of hours that employees in a company can request in excess of their accrued absence hours.
In the Hours Allowed to Exceed for Absence Requests field in Settings » Time » Options, specify the number of hours (for example, up to 40) that employees are allowed to request beyond their current accrued hours balance. If employees cannot exceed the current balance of their accrued absence hours in their absence requests, enter 0.
When an employee creates an absence request in My Stuff » Timesheet and the requested absence hours the employee enters exceeds the threshold, the Submit button becomes disabled. The employee then receives an error message that specifies how many hours they can request in excess of the current accrued hours balance.
Implement Searching and Paging of Assignments on the Assignment Tab of Mobile T&E
With the new copy resource planning assignment feature in Mobile T&E, the Assignment tab automatically displays the projects available in the time period for which you have resource planning assignments. If you cannot find the project in the initial list, scroll down and tap Load More Projects to display the next batch of search results. To configure the number of search results displayed, including the initial list of available projects, use Settings » Search result to display by.
If you cannot add at least one of the projects that you selected, you receive a message informing you that the assignment has not been approved for use in processing.
If there are no projects with resource planning assignments to add in this time period, a message is displayed below the Search field informing you that you do not have any more assignments in this period.
Honor Multilingual Settings
The Deltek Vantagepoint mobile applications now honor the languages selected in the Enabled Languages grid on the Settings » General » Options screen in Deltek Vantagepoint.
Updated Application Icons
The Deltek Vantagepoint mobile application icons for iOS and Android have been updated.
Updated PHP Version
The Touch Server for this version of the Deltek Vantagepoint mobile application has been upgraded to support PHP 7.4.6.
Create New Activities and Milestones in the Projects Screen
In Mobile CRM, you can now create Activities and Milestones and associate them with an existing project record in Projects. On the selected project record screen, when you tap
, under Create New, the Activity and Milestones options are now available.
On the Details screen, tap Activity or Milestones and you will see a
in the upper-right corner of the screen. Click this to create new activities or milestones for an existing associated Activity or Milestone record.
Create Recurring Activities
In Mobile CRM, you can now view, edit, or delete a single occurrence of a recurring activity that you created in the Deltek Vantagepoint browser application.
icon with a recurring pattern message appears below the start and end date/time on the Activity View screen of a single activity occurrence. A message appears at the bottom of the Activity View screen, informing you that you are viewing a single occurrence that is part of a series, and explaining that if you want to view a series you must use the browser application.
A Recurrence field was added in the Edit Activity screen. This field also contains the recurring pattern message from the browser application. Another message was added at the top of the Edit Activity screen, informing you about the single activity occurrence. When you edit the details of the activity, you receive a notification message informing you that you are editing a single occurrence of a recurring activity.
When you delete or edit the details of a single activity occurrence in Mobile CRM, the changes do not affect the other activities in the recurring activity series.
Capture Receipt Added
The new Capture Receipt screen allows you to either take an image using your device’s camera or select an image from the archive or camera gallery and then easily attach the image to an expense report. This is available only if you have access to Expense and the Use Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) in Mobile T&E option is selected.
To display Capture Receipt by default, make sure that Open In is set to Capture Receipt on the Settings screen.
Copy Resource Planning Assignments
Mobile T&E now enables you to copy resource planning assignments, which makes it possible to add timesheet lines quickly. The Assignments tab on the Find Project screen is now available when you add a timesheet line on Timesheet Hours. Mobile T&E displays all top-level projects in the time period for which you have resource planning assignments. In this list, you can tap a single project or multiple projects. Mobile T&E then displays all resource planning assignment information for the selected project or projects on the Timesheet Hours screen. The information includes the phase, task, and labor code, but not hours, which means that you must enter time for each timesheet line. If there are timesheet lines with missing required fields and no hours, Mobile T&E removes these lines when you save the timesheet.
Create a New Line on an Existing Expense Report after Photo Capture
Using Capture Receipt, you can capture an image of a receipt, or select an existing image of a receipt from the camera gallery, and attach that image to an existing expense report to create a new line. After you submit the receipt image, tap Add to Existing Expense Report. Then, on the Expense Report screen, tap the existing expense report to which you want to attach the receipt. The Line field on Edit Line is then updated.
Create a New Expense Report after Capturing an Image
Using Capture Receipt, you can capture an image of a receipt or select an existing image of a receipt from the camera gallery, and immediately use it to create a new expense report. You can edit (crop or rotate) the captured or selected image, or attach another image to it. After you submit the image, use the New Report screen to enter or select necessary details for the expense report.
ICR Settings in Vantagepoint
Mobile Time & Expense for Vantagepoint now uses intelligent character recognition (ICR) technology. With ICR enabled, Mobile T&E automatically scans and analyzes a captured or selected image, maps the captured data to the expense report screens, and automatically populates the matched fields. Mobile T&E uses the image only to read the data and does not store your data throughout this process.
When mapping the captured data to the expense report screens, the ICR feature uses the language set on the device, rather than the language selected upon login.
To enable ICR in Mobile T&E, the Use Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) in Mobile T&E option has been added in Settings » Expense » Options » Global Expense Options in Vantagepoint.
The ICR feature works when you:
Use your device’s camera, or select an image from the archive or camera gallery, through Capture Receipt.
Tap the camera icon in the Receiptfield on the New Report » Edit Line screen.
ICR Technology Enabled on the Edit Line Screen
When you select the Use Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) in Mobile T&E option, the ICR feature works when you tap the camera icon in the Receipt field on the New Report » Edit Line screen and Capture Receipt in the Mobile T&E main menu. Mobile Time & Expense automatically scans and analyzes the captured image, maps the captured data to the Edit Line screen, and populates the matched fields.
Unit Name Field Added
In Mobile T&E, a Unit Name field has been added between the Units and Quantity fields on the Edit Unit and Add Project screens of Timesheet Units. The Unit Name field is a read-only field that contains the measurement label of a unit. If the selected unit table has assigned units, the Unit Name field is automatically populated with a label based on the selected unit.
A Unit Name field label is also displayed in the available timesheet entries of the Timesheet Units and Time Approval screen, but enclosed in parentheses beside the selected unit.
View Comments Timesheet Approval
icon is now displayed next to each timesheet line with comments when you view an employee timesheet in day view or project view on the Time Approval screen. Use the next and previous buttons to navigate to the timesheet entries with comments. Use the Cancel button to return to the previous screen.
Document Management Tab and Run Scrupts Grid Removed
The Document Management tab, which is not used in Vantagepoint, was removed from the Weblink form to avoid confusion. For the same reason, the Scripts grid was removed from the Database List View tab on that form.
These changes only apply if you have an on-premises installation of Vantagepoint. If your instance of Vantagepoint is hosted by Deltek Cloud Operations, you do not have access to Weblink.
Defect 1242515: This issue occurred on the Expenses tab when you transferred an expense with a supporting document to a lower-level work breakdown structure element (such as a phase or task) within the same project. When you clicked the icon in the Document field of the transferred expense, you could not view the supporting documents on the Supporting Document dialog box unless you refreshed the tab.
Defect 1296587: This issue occurred when you used the Interactive Billing form to download an invoice for editing and then uploaded it back to your project. Even after you completed the action and navigated to other projects, Vantagepoint continued to display a confirmation prompt asking if you wanted to upload your edited invoice.
Defect 1306110: When you opened a bank reconciliation statement in Detail View and edited the amount in the Closing Balance field, any amount with a decimal value was automatically rounded up to the nearest hundredths after saving.
Defect 1289776: This issue occurred when you entered a new title for an existing contact record in the Contacts grid on the Contacts tab. After you saved your entry, the change did not display in the Title field.
Defect 1296211: When you clicked to sort the Line column in the Voucher Line Items grid on the Voucher Details dialog box (which you display by clicking the Voucher Options icon at the end of a voucher line row on the Vouchers tab), you could no longer sort the line numbers according to their original order.
Defect 1280335: An info bubble for the Projects grid on the Associations tab of both the Firms hub and Contacts hub displayed an Accounting message in a CRM-only database.
Defect 1270900: When you viewed the Fee Billing Phases grid on the Fees tab, the Project column was blank and only displayed the project name or project number when you clicked the field.
Defect 1281370: This issue occurred on the Add Billing Terms dialog box, when you created billing terms from an existing project that also had billing terms defined at lower levels of the work breakdown structure (WBS). If you partially entered a phase name in the Phase Name field, the search did not return results that matched the text.
Defect 1304578: On the Fees tab of the Billing Terms form, the Fee Billing Phases grid resized when you clicked the Billing Category grid. This caused the grid to shift down and required extra scrolling each time a new grid row entry was added.
Defect 1272061: When you displayed the Billing Sessions dialog box from the Draft Invoice Approvals form in the Projects hub, the Overhead Projects section and the Final Invoice Processing section displayed on the dialog box. Those sections are not intended for invoice approvers and should not have displayed.
Defect 1220054: In the List View of the Projects form, when you drilled down to a project record, it took some time to display the phases and tasks of the project.
Defect 1272833: If you cleared the Active check box for a project code on the Project Code Settings dialog box (Labels and Lists » Lists » Project Code) to inactivate that code, the inactivated project code still displayed in the selection list for the Project Code field in the Projects hub.
Defect 1286564: In the Edit Project Structure grid, when you added a new phase and entered a phase number that already existed, the name of the existing phase record was changed to the name that you entered for the new phase.
Defect 1304574: If auto numbering is enabled for new projects but you are allowed to override the auto numbering, and you entered a project number on the New Project form that contained exactly the maximum number of allowed characters but not in the correct format (for example, a delimiter was in an incorrect position), Vantagepoint did not detect the formatting problem and display an error message.
Defect 1319387: In List View in a user-defined hub, you were unable to export a record's data as a comma-separated values (CSV) file. You received the following error message: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
Defect 1187752: When you marked a recurring activity as completed, all future activities were inadvertently marked completed as well.
Defect 1310731: When adding a new Table dashpart with a Project Manager name and the column grouped by No Detail, the Project Manager column did not display as the first column on the dashpart.
Defect 1317945: If the Fee, Total Compensation, Estimated Start Date or Actual Start, or Estimated Start Date and Actual End Date fields were not included in the project record, the Pipeline System Dashpart did not include the project when the chart was displayed.
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Defect 1071597: If using the Chrome browser: when entering an option for the Category field on the Expense Reports form, two drop-down lists were displayed one on top of the other.
Defect 1276206: This issue occurred when there was no hub record linked to an activity and you only had access rights to your own employee record. When you printed the Activity List Report, it included activity records for which you did not have access rights.
Defect 1278519: When you generated a Contact List report, values in the Source column were truncated and did not show full descriptions.
Defect 1297075: When you sorted by the Owner field on the Columns & Groups tab of the Contact List report, the Employee Number/ID displayed instead of the Employee Name when you ran the report.
Defect 1297114: After creating and saving a new proposal then leaving the current proposal or navigating to another page while the proposal was in the process of exporting to a PDF, the export will fail.
Defect 1278646: When you searched a project report with the Project Create Date option set to Last Days = 2, the records created today were not included.
Defect 1280797: On the Banks form and the Credit Cards form in Cash Management Settings, saved searches did not filter records according to the parameters established in the saved searches.
Defect 1296392: When you opened an activity in the Activities hub or other hubs, you received the following message: "Field xxID has been secured for your role. Please check permissions. Unexpected results may occur if you continue." This issue occurred when you tried to open an activity for which the Project, Firm, Client, or Marketing Campaign field was secured for your security role.
Defect 1204330: Using the mouse to scroll to the bottom of the list resulted in the cursor automatically jumping to the bottom of the list.
Defect 1274423: You were unable to add other employees to a rate table in Settings » Rate Tables » Billing Labor Rates. This issue occurred when your security role had Record Level View for employees and you only had access to your own employee record (specified on the Record Access tab in Settings » Security » Roles).
Defect 1298451: This issue occurred when you used a user-efined field as a condition for a workflow on the User Initiated Workflows form or Scheduled Workflows form. The workflow did not work even when you entered a correct value for the user-defined field in the Value field on the Conditions dialog box.
Defect 1285853: In Cash Receipts transaction entry, when you entered an invoice number in the Invoice field and used the Invoice Lookup dialog box to find and select the invoice, you received an incorrect syntax error message.
Defect 1291376: When you entered an invoice number in the Project Information grid and pressed the TAB key, cursor focus did not move to the next field and the Invoice Number field did not populate with the expected information.
Defect 1305317: You could not retrieve API or transaction files by batch. You, instead, had to retrieve the files one at a time.
Defect 1308357: When you clicked the Combine Record tab and then returned to the Change Number tab in Utilities » Key Conversions» Phases, the project/phase information was removed from the Change Number tab.
Defect 1309663: When you tried to change the phase number of a phase on the Change Number tab, the Run button was displayed in gray, as if disabled, even though the button was functional.
Defect 1321358: After you posted a timesheet with overtime hours for a project that had no overtime multiplier, the billing extension for the labor amount was correct, as seen on the Labor Posting log. However, if you immediately ran Refresh Billing Extensions, the billing extension amount for the labor incorrectly included an overtime amount for the timesheet on the Labor Posting log, even though the overtime multiplier for the project had not been changed in Billing Terms.
Defect 1236740: When you ran Refresh Billing Extensions under certain circumstances, it changed the billing rate for overtime when no changes had been made to the overtime rate in Billing Terms. This occurred if you had the following settings entered in the Labor section on the Rates tab in Billing Terms for a project:
You set the Overtime Method field to Bill ovt premium as cost.
You set the Method field to Rate times multiplier.
Issue: Improve input sanitization in the following applications:
Cash Management » Employee Payments (Issue 1304008)
Utilities » Updates » Search and Replace (Issue 1298882)
Searches throughout Vantagepoint (Issue 1297135 and 1297237)
Touch Time application (Issue 1312946)
Severity: Critical
Status: Fixed
Deltek Vantagepoint 3.5 to Deltek Vantagepoint 3.5 (Latest Maintenance Release) Changes
Deltek Vantagepoint 3.0.2 to Deltek Vantagepoint 3.5 Database Changes
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