Set Up Absence Accrual Codes

Use the Absence Accrual form to identify the enterprise-wide absence codes for the accruals, such as vacation and sick leave, that you provide for your employees. After you add the accrual codes here in Accounting Settings, you associate them with employees in the Employees hub.

For each absence accrual code, you can show the accrual balance on your employees timesheets, set up an absence request approval process, and specify an associated project to track the hours. There is no limit to the number of absence accrual codes that you can define. You can add accrual codes at any time. You can also modify most absence accrual settings at any time.

To add accrual codes:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Accounting > Absence Accrual.
  2. Below the Accrual Codes grid on the Absence Accrual form, click +Add Accrual Code.
  3. In the row that opens in the grid, enter the absence accrual code and description.
  4. Enter the maximum number of absence hours that any individual employee can have at any given time.
    When an employee reaches this maximum, absence hours are no longer accrued for this code.
  5. To pre-accrue annual absence hours when you open a new absence accrual year, select the Pre-Accrue Hours option.
  6. To print accrual information on the paycheck stub, select the Print On Check option.
  7. To limit the number of absence hours that can be carried over into a new accrual year, select the Limit Hours Carried Over to a New Accrual Year option and use the corresponding Carry Over Limit field to specify the maximum number of hours.
  8. To allow employees to view the absence hours on timesheets, select Show on Timesheet.
    Vantagepoint displays the description, starting balance, current year earned, current year taken, and current balance.
  9. If your company set up accrual schedules, use the Default Schedule drop-down list to select the appropriate schedule.
  10. Use the Check Hours Against Earned option to specify whether or not employee hours are validated against available hours for the accrual code:
    • None: When employees save and submit timesheets, absence hours are not checked.
    • Warning: When employees save and submit timesheets that contain absence hours in excess of the current number available, they receive a warning about the discrepancy but can still save and submit the timesheets.
    • Error: When employees save and submit timesheets that contain absence hours in excess of the current number available, they receive an error message and cannot save or submit the timesheets.
  11. To specify an approval workflow for absence requests, select the Use Absence Request check box and use the drop-down list in the corresponding Approval Workflow field to select the workflow.
    You create approval workflows for absence requests in Settings > Workflow > Approval Workflows in the desktop application. Only approval workflows with an Active status display in the list. You can use the same or different absence request approval workflows for each of your absence accrual codes.
    The Approval Administrator field is autopopulated when you select the approval workflow
  12. If you set the Enable Accruals on Hours Worked to Yes, the Project to Exclude from Hours Worked field displays in the grid and you can use it to specify one or more projects that should not be included in the number of hours worked for the accrual calculation.
    To select multiple projects, click Search at the bottom of the list. When you select one project, the project name displays in this field. When you select multiple projects, Records Selected displays in this field.
  13. Click Save.