Time Sheet Search

You use this page to view and report on individual time sheet lines that are recorded against a job.

On this page you can:
  • Search for time sheet data across any job, client, or individual.
  • Sign off on time sheets from single or multiple jobs if you have the correct permissions.
  • Create and edit time sheets.
  • Export data to a CSV file or output data to a predefined report template.
Tip: The Time Sheet Search page is not intended as the main page on which you record your time entries. Use the My Time Sheets and My Time Sheet Search options on the My Traffic menu to enter and edit your time.
Note: The Time Sheet Search page is typically used by senior-level management. This page displays information about the work that all users in TrafficLIVE are doing, which can be sensitive information, even if it is read-only. Creating or editing time sheets on behalf of another user is not intended to be a common activity. It should only be done when the original submitter is unavailable or unable to log in to TrafficLIVE to complete or edit his or her time sheet.

Display the Time Sheet Search Page

Click Menu > Manage Agency > Time Sheet Search.