
You can use templates to create a library of standard jobs that you can either make into a new job or append to an existing job. This enables you to create jobs that consist of more complex tasks.

You define templates in the Templates library via Admin > Templates.

A template stores:
  • Stages/tasks, with associated hours.
  • Estimated purchases.
  • Estimated expenses.
  • Charge band values of all line items.
  • Dependencies.
  • The job schedule.
A template does not store:
  • Rate card information. This is refreshed based on the current rate card that is selected when the job is used.
  • Custom price changes that were made on the job before it was saved as a template.
  • Allocated staff members.
  • Any actuals of time, purchase, tenders, and expenses, and thus any links to purchase orders, tenders, and quotes.
Tip: The templates folder structure is shared with jobs and quotes. If the folder appears to be empty, it might contain only quote templates.